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News Thursday, Jun 29 2017

Sanders Questions: 22 Million People Edition

Jun 29, 2017

American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to answer the following questions:

1. Under the Senate version of Trumpcare the uninsured rate would jump from five percent to 20.3% in West Virginia, from 15.4% to 24.7% in Alaska, and 6.5% to 18.4% in Ohio. How are you going to get Senators Capito, Murkowski, and Portman on board?

2. How much money did President Trump make off of his fundraiser at his own hotel last night?

3. Governor John Kasich says the funding to treat substance abuse in the health care bill is like spitting in the ocean. Why did President Trump abandon his pledge to fight the opioid crisis by supporting a bill that cuts Medicaid so drastically tens of thousands of people who are addicted to drugs would lose health care coverage?

4. Does President Trump understand that his health care bill is a massive tax cut for the wealthy?

5. Does President Trump still have confidence in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson?

Published: Jun 29, 2017

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