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News Wednesday, Jul 26 2017

Sanders Questions: New Phone Who Dis Edition 

Jul 26, 2017

American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to answer the following questions: 

1. After months of falsely claiming Obamacare is in a death spiral, does President Trump back a so-called “skinny repeal” bill that experts say will in fact cause a death spiral in the insurance markets?

2. President Trump pledged health care that covered “everybody” but the Senate is voting today on a bill to take away insurance from 32 million people. Why did the President break is promise?

3. Did President Trump intentionally expose a classified CIA operation in Syria on Monday or was it just collateral damage to a Twitter rant against the Washington Post?

4. When was the last time President Trump spoke to Paul Manafort? Has anyone from the President’s outside legal team been in contact with Paul Manafort?

5. Why did the White House claim the transgender military ban came from the military when in fact the Pentagon did not know about it only to admit later it was about politics?

Published: Jul 26, 2017

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