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News Thursday, Oct 18 2018

SAY IT AGAIN: Josh Hawley Is Trying To Take Your Healthcare

Oct 18, 2018

Josh Hawley has a lot to answer for at tonight’s Missouri Senate debate. At the top of that list? His campaign to undermine affordable healthcare.

We’re betting Hawley will attempt to distract from his horrific record on this cycle’s #1 issueSo here are the facts:

  1. Hawley is one of 20 state Attorneys General suing the federal government to gut the Affordable Care Act. Hawley put his name on a lawsuit that would effectively nullify the ACA, including protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions — a provision that Hawley has claimed he’d protect, in direct contradiction to his actions.
  2. Hawley’s political allies have spent nearly a decade attempting to overturn the Affordable Care Act. And just yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said his Republican caucus will try to repeal the ACA again, after the midterms.
  3. Hawley’s healthcare alternative is a load of baloney — and it’s dangerous. Hawley wrote an op-ed proposing an alternative plan to the Affordable Care Act. Turns out that a proposal he claims would “[lower] the costs for everyone” could actually lead to “skyrocketing costs for consumers,” and is “confusing and unfinished.”
  4. Hawley and the GOP keep getting called out for trying to have it both ways on healthcare. Public reporting has repeatedly pointed out that the GOP’s “commitment” to protecting pre-existing conditions is simply irreconcilable with their efforts to gut Obamacare. As Politifact noted yesterday, not one Republican proposal could match the ACA’s protections for pre-existing conditions.

So, we’ll say it again. Josh Hawley and his Republican allies are trying and will not stop trying to take away Americans’ healthcare. It’s time they own up to it.

Published: Oct 18, 2018

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