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Friday, Jun 22 2018

Scott Fails to Stand Up for Floridians with Pre-Existing Conditions

Jun 22, 2018

A brutal op-ed in the Florida Sun Sentinel today blasted Governor Rick Scott for failing to stop his political ally Attorney General Pam Bondi from co-signing a lawsuit that could strip 7.8 million Floridians of protections for pre-existing conditions.

Scott has said nothing about the lawsuit except to lamely remind Floridians that the Attorney General is independently elected — but that excuse doesn’t pass the smell test. Here’s what Floridians are reading this morning:

Sun Sentinel: Pam Bondi seeks to end protections for people with pre-existing conditions
June 21, 2018

  • If the lawsuit prevails, Obamacare’s core guarantee — access to health insurance for Americans with pre-existing conditions — will disappear, along with other provisions in the law.”
  • This is a serious threat for Florida, where 1.7 million people enrolled in the federal health-insurance exchange last year to buy policies under the law. More than 90 percent of them received federal subsidies to lower their premium costs.”
  • Scott’s office…denied he had anything to do with filing the lawsuit, attributing the decision to Bondi.”
  • But it’s hard to imagine that the attorney general, a close political ally of the governor’s, would have joined the lawsuit over his opposition.

Read the full article here.

Published: Jun 22, 2018

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