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Friday, Apr 24 2015

WaPo: Scott Waffler's "stances on immigration issues have moved back and forth"

Apr 24, 2015

Walker’s stances on immigration issues have moved back and forth in recent weeks — moves labeled a subtle evolution by his supporters and flip-flopping by detractors. The shifts underscore how the Wisconsin governor is still solidifying his views on national policy issues, while also trying to please a wide range of Republicans who often don’t agree on issues such as immigration.

Two years ago, Walker said that it “makes sense” to grant citizenship to some of the millions of undocumented workers already in the country. By earlier this year, his position had changed, with Walker saying in March: “I don’t believe in amnesty” for those in the country illegally. Later that same month, Walker told New Hampshire business leaders at a private dinner that he did, in fact, support providing some illegal immigrants with a pathway to citizenship, according to those familiar with the discussion. News accounts of the event sparked an outcry from the right, along with immediate denials from his staff.

This week, Walker wasn’t just back to a hard-line anti-amnesty stance — he went further than most of the rest of the Republican field by saying legal immigration may need to be curbed to protect U.S. jobs. He also spoke favorably of a proposal from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to reduce the number of legal immigrants, who often are low-wage earners.

Washington Post: What does Scott Walker believe on immigration?

Published: Apr 24, 2015

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