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Thursday, Jun 28 2018

Scott’s Chronic Negligence Harms the Most Vulnerable Floridians

Jun 28, 2018

Scott’s State Budget Left Out Critical Language
Allowing Grant Funds to Reach Homeless Coalitions

“Rick Scott’s chronic mismanagement of the state government is harming the most vulnerable Floridians — and once again, he’s failed to take responsibility,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Families are at risk because of Scott’s refusal to do his due diligence, his persistent cronyism, and his neglect of key programs. Floridians deserve better than Rick Scott.”

Naples Daily News: Families near eviction at risk because of state budget snafu

By Liz Freeman | June 28, 2018

  • Subsidies to needy families for housing expenses and for other homeless prevention programs are at risk if Tallahassee budget officials don’t resolve a glitch that will prevent $4.1 million from being released July 1.”
  • According to Eugene Williams, president of the Florida Coalition for the Homeless,language in state budget documents allowing “challenge grant” funds to be transferred to homeless coalitions was left out.
  • “‘The money was allocated but there was no language to transfer the funds,’ Williams said. ‘This is a terrible mistake and will cause harm. It is just sitting there.’”
  • ‘I don’t know what the issue is,’ Williams said, adding that nobody is coming forward to take responsibility for the wording in the document. ‘It really starts with the governor’s office. It seems like just a snafu.’”
  • “Florida has the third highest homeless rates in the United States with nearly 36,000 people without homes, where nearly 19,00 are in shelters and 17,000 are unsheltered. The figure includes children.”
  • “The women’s shelter in Collier uses $85,000 in challenge grant funding for two case managers in outreach and transitional housing, and the balance is allocated to direct financial assistance for low-income people at imminent risk of eviction, said Christine Welton, executive director of the Collier homeless coalition.”
  • “The loss of the emergency assistance funds from the challenge grant puts people in limbo,” said Welton.

Read the full article here.

Published: Jun 28, 2018

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