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News Friday, Dec 18 2015

Senate Candidate Joe Heck: Too Extreme And Partisan For Nevada

Dec 18, 2015

This morning, Rep. Joe Heck voted against the omnibus funding bill that included important funding for health care for 9/11 first responders.

American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Mackler released the following statement: “Rep. Joe  Heck’s true partisan colors are showing in his shameful vote to deny 9/11 first responders the health care they were promised. Rep. Heck has proved that he is wrong for Nevada by choosing extremism over bipartisan compromise.”


2015: Heck Voted Against Funding The Federal Government For The Remainder Of FY 2016. In December 2016, Heck voted against funding the federal government for the remainder the FY 2016. According to Congressional Quarterly, “The omnibus agreement finances government operations through Sept. 30, the remainder of FY 2016, through full, detailed, annual appropriations bills for all spending measures. Combined, the spending measures would provide about $1.149 trillion in discretionary spending, with $1.067 trillion subject to discretionary spending caps, $73.7 billion designated as Overseas Contingency Operations funds, $7.1 billion designated as disaster spending, $698 million designated as emergency spending and $1.5 billion designated as program integrity initiatives. The measure’s spending levels are consistent with the increased defense and non-defense budget caps set by this fall’s two-year budget deal.” [House Vote 705, 12/18/15; Congressional Quarterly, 12/17/17]

2015: Heck Voted Against Reauthorizing The 9/11 First-Responder Health Care And Victim Compensation Program As Part Of The FY 2016 Omnibus. In December 2015, Heck voted against reauthorizing the 9/11 first responder health care and victim compensation program. According to Congressional Quarterly, “The omnibus appropriations agreement also includes numerous non-spending legislative provisions and authorizations. Among these provisions, it […] reauthorizes the 9/11 first-responder health care and victim compensation programs.” [House Vote 705, 12/18/15; Congressional Quarterly, 12/17/17]

Published: Dec 18, 2015

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