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Wednesday, Mar 30 2016

Shocked By Trump? Entire GOP Field Takes Party’s Extreme Position On Women’s Health

Mar 30, 2016

Donald Trump’s backwards views on women’s health are no secret — he’s already pledged to defund Planned Parenthood and referred to the organization that provides millions of women with safe and affordable health care as “an abortion factory.” And today, when pressed by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Trump said: “There has to be some form of punishment” for women seeking abortions.

As the GOP’s front-runner articulates alarming ideas aimed at limiting a women’s right to make her own health care decisions, it’s important to remember that this is the position held by the entire GOP field.
The Republican Party has made no bones about their plan to repeal Roe v. Wade, and Trump is simply articulating what the rest of the field will not: that the extreme proposals supported by the Republican Party will have serious consequences for women.

“Make no mistake about it — this is today’s Republican Party,” said Jessica Mackler, President of American Bridge 21st Century. “Donald Trump is simply articulating the logical conclusion of the backwards policies on women’s health that the rest of the party has been preaching for years. Whether it’s Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or John Kasich at the top of the ticket in November, voters can be sure that the Republican nominee holds the most extreme views on women’s health.”

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich have all walked the party line and supported the most extreme proposals on women’s health — time and time again:

  • Donald Trump said he would defund Planned Parenthood, referring to the women’s health organization as “an abortion factory.” 
  • After the shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Trump talked about the falsified Center for Medical Progress videos. He said, “There is a tremendous group of people that think it’s terrible all of the videos that they’ve seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you’re selling parts to a car.”
  • Ted Cruz supports a personhood amendment that could ban abortions, even in cases of rape or incest, and potentially go so far as to ban common forms of birth control.
  • Cruz adamantly opposed the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate, claiming it constituted the government “using brute force to force people to pay for abortion-inducing drugs of others.”  
  • Cruz described the Center for Medical Progress’s misleading Planned Parenthood videos as“[showing] the face of evil” and appearing to “demonstrate an ongoing pattern of criminal conduct.”
  • As governor of Ohio, John Kasich signed a bill that banned abortions after 20 weeks including no exceptions for cases of rape or incest. And Kasich has “signed and supported some of the most stringent anti-abortion legislation in the country.”


Kasich: Anti-Choice


Mother Jones, 2015: Kasich “Has Signed Every Single Restriction On Abortion And Family Planning That Has Landed In Front Of Him.” [Mother Jones, 7/27/15]


1995: Kasich Voted Against Maintaining Medicaid Funding For Abortion Services In Cases Of Rape, Incest, Life Of The Woman.  In 1995, Kasich voted against a measure that would have maintained provisions in existing law that requires states to provide Medicaid funding for abortions for low-income women in instances of rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother. According to theLos Angeles Times, “The House handed a victory to anti-abortion forces Thursday when it voted to permit states to deny Medicaid funding to poor women who have abortions in cases of rape and incest.”  [HR 2127, Vote #619, 8/3/1995; Los Angeles Times, 8/4/95,Albuquerque Tribune, 8/4/95]


1995: Kasich Voted To Ban So-Called Late-Term Abortions Even When It Threatened Life Of Woman. In 1995, Kasich voted to ban so-called late term abortions even in cases where the life of the mother was threatened. Rep. Nancy L. Johnson, a pro-choice Republican from Connecticut, argued that the bill did not include exceptions for doctors who performed the procedure to save the life of the mother. “Why endanger her for a fetus that can’t eat, has no kidneys, no heart?” she asked. [HR 1833, Vote #756, 11/1/1995;Washington Times 11/2/1995, Los Angeles Times 11/2/1995]


2015: Kasich Supported Bill Banning Abortions Of Fetuses With Downs Syndrome, Saying “I’m More Than Glad To Say That Of Course I Would Sign That.” According to CNN, “Ohio Gov. John Kasich told CNN’s Jake Tapper on ‘State of the Union’ that he would sign a bill currently being debated in his state banning abortion if the reason for the procedure is because the child would have Down syndrome. ‘I would sign it, yes,’ Kasich said. ‘Look, I’m a governor. I’m a CEO. I have to have a hand steady on the wheel. But in this case, I’m more than glad to say that of course I would sign that.’ ” [CNN, 9/19/15]


2015: Kasich Reportedly Supported Abortion Ban Exemptions For Rape, Incest, Life Of The Woman. According to the Northeast Ohio Media Group, “Kasich is opposed to abortion, except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is at stake.” [Northeast Ohio Media Group, 9/19/15]


Cruz Is Anti-Choice


Cruz Supported Overturning Roe v. Wade


2012: Cruz Supported Overturning Roe V. Wade. According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, “Cruz speaks of our ‘stark choice’ and the belief that ‘government is not the answer’ but fosters ‘dependency, destroying individual liberty.’ He pledges to ‘restore our constitution’ and ‘return to the founding principles.’ Cruz sees the greatest steps forward over the last two years not in Republican gains against Democrats, but in Tea Party victories against established Republicans. He favors repealing Roe v. Wade; abolishing the federal Education, Energy and Commerce departments and the IRS; replacing Social Security with private accounts; and blocking nontraditional paths to citizenship.” [Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 9/7/12]

Cruz Compared Roe v. Wade To Dred Scott And Lochner v. New York


[Video] Cruz Compared Roe v. Wade to Dred Scott And Lochner v. New York. “We’ve seen the Court’s imperial tendencies previously in the infamous case of Dred Scott, a case that helped precipitate the Civil War.  The court struck down a federal law that banned slavery in the territories.  Why?  Because the court declared that liberty includes the right to own slaves, a horrific, contorted position with no support whatsoever in the actual text of the United States Constitution.  In Lochner v. New York an activist court struck down minimum wage laws, an action that from a policy perspective may well have been good policy and yet it was, once again, a right found nowhere in the text of the United States Constitution.  In more recent cases – most notably Roe v. Wade – the court created another new right, the right to abortion that has resulted in tens of millions of unborn children losing their lives.”   [Ted Cruz, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts Hearing, 7/22/15; 150722_cjs_182_A]

Cruz Opposed Abortion Exceptions Except For Cases Of Rape And Incest


Cruz Opposed Abortion Exceptions In Cases Of Rape And Incest.
According to the Houston Chronicle, “Cruz would allow abortion only in cases in which the mother’s life is in jeopardy: ‘I think that every human life is a precious gift from God and should be protected in law from conception until natural death.’” [Houston Chronicle, 10/31/12]

Voted For A Federal 20 Week Abortion Ban That Would Have Jailed Doctors For Performing Abortions After 20 Weeks


2015: Cruz Effectively Voted For A Bill That Would Prohibit Abortions After 20-Weeks Gestation Except In Cases Of Rape Or Incest, But Would Erect New Barriers Such As Requiring Rape Victims To Document That They Received Prior Medical Treatment Or Counseling. In September 2015, Cruz effectively voted for a bill that would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of gestation and would impose criminal penalties on doctors that violated the ban. According to Congressional Quarterly, the bill would, “prohibit abortions in cases where the probable age of the fetus is 20 weeks or later, except in cases of rape, incest against a minor or when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. Specifically, it would provide an exemption for pregnancies that are the result of rape against adult women if the woman obtained counseling or medical treatment for the rape at least 48 hours before the abortion. Pregnancies resulting from rape or incest against a minor would also be exempt from the ban if the rape or incest had been reported before the abortion to law enforcement or another government agency authorized to act on reports of child abuse. The measure would impose criminal penalties on doctors who violate the ban. The measure also would require health care practitioners to give the same level of care to an infant born alive during a failed abortion as they would give to an infant born at the same gestational age through natural birth.” The vote was on cloture and the Senate rejected the bill 54 to 42; 60 Senators voting yes would have been required to invoke cloture. The House had earlier passed the bill. [Senate Vote 268, 9/22/15; Congressional Quarterly, 9/22/15; Congressional Actions,H.R. 36]


  • Bill Would Sentence Doctors To Up To Five Years In Jail For Violating The Ban. According to Congressional Quarterly, “The bill imposes criminal penalties on physicians who violate the ban, with violations subject to a maximum five-year jail sentence, fines or both. It prohibits the prosecution of the woman obtaining the abortion, however, either as the perpetrator or as a conspirator to violate the ban.” [Congressional Quarterly, 5/12/15]

Cruz Supported Personhood Amendments


August 2015: Cruz Signed Georgia Right To Life PAC’s Personhood Affirmation. According to Georgia Right to Life PAC, “Today, Texas US Senator Ted Cruz received a ringing endorsement from Georgia’s largest pro-life organization. ‘Senator Cruz has an unblemished record of standing up for innocent life,’ said Ricardo Davis, Director of Georgia Right to Life’s Political Action Committee (GRTL PAC). ‘Recent revelations about the horrors of the abortion cartel cry out for a principled fighter like Senator Cruz.’ Senator Cruz received the endorsement after reviewing his activities supporting personhood and receiving his signed GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, which asks that candidates support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death.” [Press release- Georgia Right to Life PAC, 8/8/15]


Cruz Supported The Life At Conception Act. According to Pro Life Alliance, “With the general election now past, come January several newly elected pro-life champions will be joining the fight on Capitol Hill for a Life at Conception Act. One of those champions will be Ted Cruz from Texas whose strong support for the Life at Conception Act contributed to his success.” [Pro Life Alliance, 11/9/12]


  • Legislation Declared The Unborn To Be “Persons.” According to the Pro Life Alliance, “A Life at Conception Act – as introduced in the 113th Congress by Congressman Jim Jordan (H.R. 1091) and in the Senate by Senator Rand Paul (S. 583) – is legislation that, quite simply, would declare the unborn to be ‘persons’ under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, and therefore entitled to the right to life guaranteed therein.” [Pro Life Alliance, Accessed 8/15/14]

Personhood Could Ban Some Types Of Birth Control


Legislation That Defines A Fertilized Egg As A Human Being Would Ban All Abortions, Including Those Resulting From Rape And Incest, And Could Declare Common Forms Of Birth Control, Like The IUD, As Murder. According to New York Times, “A constitutional amendment facing voters in Mississippi on Nov. 8, and similar initiatives brewing in half a dozen other states including Florida and Ohio, would declare a fertilized human egg to be a legal person, effectively branding abortion and some forms of birth control as murder. […]The amendment in Mississippi would ban virtually all abortions, including those resulting from rape or incest. It would bar some birth control methods, including IUDs and ‘morning-after pills,’ which prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. It would also outlaw the destruction of embryos created in laboratories.” [New York Times, 10/26/11]


American Congress Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists: So Called “Personhood” Legislation Would Abolish Regular Forms Of Birth Control Like The IUD And The Common, Everyday Birth Control Pill. According to a statement from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Although the individual wording in these proposed measures varies from state to state, they all attempt to give full legal rights to a fertilized egg by defining ‘personhood’ from the moment of fertilization, before conception (ie, pregnancy/ implantation) has occurred. This would have wide-reaching harmful implications for the practice of medicine and on women’s access to contraception, fertility treatments, pregnancy termination, and other essential medical procedures. These ‘personhood’ proposals, as acknowledged by proponents, would make condoms, natural family planning, and spermicides the only legally allowed forms of birth control. Thus, some of the most effective and reliable forms of contraception, such as oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other forms of FDA-approved hormonal contraceptives could be banned in states that adopt ‘personhood’ measures. Women’s very lives would be jeopardized if physicians were prohibited from terminating life-threatening ectopic and molar pregnancies. Women who experience pregnancy loss or other negative pregnancy outcomes could be prosecuted in some cases.” [ACOG, 2/10/12]

Trump: Anti-Choice


✓  Trump only supported abortion exceptions for rape, incest, and if the pregnant woman was “close to death. And I’m talking about death.”


✓  Trump believed that doctored videos from the so-called “Center for Media Progress” showed that Planned Parenthood were selling fetal parts “to the highest bidder” and it was like they were “selling parts to an automobile or something.” He went on to call Planned Parenthood “an abortion factory.”


✓  Following the 2015 massacre at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado by an anti-abortion extremist, Trump took the side of the murderer and noted that “there is a tremendous group of people that think it’s terrible, all of the videos that they’ve seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood.”


✓  Radical anti-choice extremist Trump pledged to made support for overturning Roe v. Wade a litmus test for his Supreme Court nominees.


✓  However, in 2011, Trump was entirely unaware of the connection between the right to privacy enunciated in Roe and abortion rights. He had no idea why his interviewer brought up the “right to privacy” when discussing abortion.

Supported Abortion Prohibitinon Exceptions “If The Mother’s Close To Death. And I’m Talking About Death.”


Trump On Abortion, 2015: “I Have Exceptions. Rape, Incest, If The Mother Is Going To Die.”  According to Washington Post Blogs, “CHUCK TODD: Should some form of abortion always be legal? DONALD TRUMP: Well, to me, I have exceptions. Rape, incest, if the mother is going to die. And Ronald Reagan had those same exceptions. And many Republicans have those same exceptions. But I say rape, incest –” [Washington Post Blogs, 8/17/15]


  • Trump Would Accept An Abortion If The Pregnant Woman Was “Close To Death. And I’m Talking About Death.”According to Washington Post Blogs, “CHUCK TODD: You said life of the mother. What about health of the mother? DONALD TRUMP: Well, I said actually if the mother’s close to death. And I’m talking about death. You know, because then you sort of say, like, ‘Well, maybe she’s not feeling so well –’” [Washington Post Blogs, 8/17/15]

Sought To Overturn Roe V. Wade


[Video] Trump On Overturning Roe V. Wade:  “We’re Going To Be Looking At That Also Very, Very Carefully, But You Need A Lot Of Supreme Court Judges.” “Question:  Will you try to defund [Planned Parenthood] and repeal Roe v. Wade?  Donald Trump:  The answer is yes, defund.  The other, you’d need a lot of Supreme Court justices, but we’re going to be looking at that also very, very carefully, but you need a lot of Supreme Court judges, but defund, yes.”  [Donald Trump, Town Hall, Waterville Valley, NH, 12/1/15; American Bridge Tracking Footage 151201_DMT_355]


[Video] Trump Said He Would Make Overturning Roe V. Wade A Litmus Test For Supreme Court Nominees.  Jake Tapper: Pro-life. So, how important is that issue to you now? When President Trump picks Supreme Court justices, would that be a litmus test? Donald Trump: It is. It is.  Look, you have a lot of pro-choice people out there. But that is an issue, it’s very interesting, because, in terms of polling, the pro-choice is actually going down a little bit. You know, it’s very interesting.” [“State of the Union,” CNN, 6/28/15; 150628_MM_66728]


2016: Trump Failed To Release Statement About, Retweet Support For Pro-Life Causes On Roe V. Wade Anniversary. According to Life News, “Businessman Donald Trump says he is pro-life and wants to de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business. He’s vocal on just about every topic and is ready to offer a quip at a moment’s notice on anything that concerns him, the presidential campaign of politics. But Trump is remarkably silent today on the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. His campaign has issued no statement from him on the 58 million unborn babies killed in abortion, he’s not addressed pro-life topics today in any interviews and the prolific tweeter hasn’t said a word on Twitter or even RTd a statement or picture from anyone else opposing abortion.” [Life News,1/22/16]


Trump On Roe V. Wade, 2016: “The Supreme Court In 1973 Based Their Decision On Imagining Rights And Liberties In The Constitution That Are Nowhere To Be Found.” According to the Donald J. Trump campaign, “Perhaps the most significant piece of evidence to support this assertion is that since Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Count 43 years ago over 50 million Americans never had the chance to enjoy the opportunities offered by this country. The Supreme Court in 1973 based their decision on imagining rights and liberties in the Constitution that are nowhere to be found.” [Donald J. Trump Campaign, 2/15/16]


Trump, 2016: “Roe V. Wade Gave The Court An Excuse To Dismantle The Decisions Of State Legislatures And The Votes Of The People.” According to the Donald J. Trump campaign, “If using taxpayer money to facilitate our slide to a culture of death was not enough, the 1973 decision became a landmark decision demonstrating the utter contempt the court had for federalism and the 10th Amendment. Roe v. Wade gave the court an excuse to dismantle the decisions of state legislatures and the votes of the people. This is a pattern that the court has repeated over and over again since that decision. Perhaps Roe v. Wade became yet another incidence of disconnect between the people and their government.” [Donald J. Trump Campaign, 2/15/16]

Unaware Of Connection Between Roe’s Right to Privacy And Abortion


Talking Points Memo 2011: Trump Had No Understanding Of The Connection Between The View Of A Right To Privacy And The Abortion Debate. According to Talking Points Memo, “In an interview with MSNBC’s Savannah Guthrie, Trump was asked if he believes there’s a right to privacy in the Constitution. The question is an important one in the abortion debate. Pro-lifers say there absolutely is not a Constitutional right to privacy, which means Roe is a travesty and abortion should once again be permitted to be outlawed in the states that choose to do so. Pro-choicers strenuously disagree, stating that the right to privacy is guaranteed and is extended to a woman’s choice to have an abortion or not, the central basis of Roe. Trump apparently thinks he can split the difference, and appeared to have no understanding of the connection between the view of a right to privacy and the abortion debate. ‘I guess there is, I guess there is,’ Trump said when Guthrie asked if there’s a Constitutional right to privacy. ‘And why, just out of curiosity, why do you ask that question?’” [Talking Points Memo, 4/19/11]


  • 2011: Trump Asked Why He Was Asked Question About “Right To Privacy.” According to NBC News, “Guthrie: ‘Is there a right to privacy in the Constitution?’ Trump: ‘I guess there is, I guess there is. And why, just out of curiosity, why do you ask that question?’” [NBC News, 4/19/11]


  • Trump On Right To Privacy, 2011: “A Pretty Strange Way Of Getting To Pro-Life. […]What Does That Have To Do With Privacy?” According to NBC News, “When pressed to explain how his position on the right to privacy ‘squares’ with his anti-abortion position, Trump responded: ‘Well, that’s a pretty strange way of getting to pro-life. I mean, it’s a very unique way of asking about pro-life. What does that have to do with privacy? How are you equating pro-life with privacy? ‘” [NBC News, 4/19/11]

Believed Abortion Led To “Culture Of Death”


Trump, 2016: After Roe V. Wade, “50 Million Americans Never Had The Chance To Enjoy The Opportunities Offered By This Country.” According to the Donald J. Trump campaign, “Over time, our culture of life in this country has started sliding toward a culture of death. Perhaps the most significant piece of evidence to support this assertion is that since Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Count 43 years ago over 50 million Americans never had the chance to enjoy the opportunities offered by this country. They never had the chance to become doctors, musicians, farmers, teachers, husbands, fathers, sons or daughters. They never had the chance to enrich the culture of this nation or to bring their skills, lives, loves or passions into the fabric of country. They are missing, and they are missed.” [Donald J. Trump Campaign, 2/15/16]


Trump, 2016: “A Culture Of Life Is Too Important To Let Slip Away For Convenience Or Political Correctness.” According to the Donald J. Trump campaign, “We are in the middle of a presidential political cycle and votes will be cast in just days. The citizens of this nation will have the chance to vote for candidates that are aligned with their individual worldviews. It is my hope that they will choose the builder, the man who has the ability to imagine the greatness of this nation. The next President must follow those principles that work best and that reinforce the reverence Americans hold for life. A culture of life is too important to let slip away for convenience or political correctness. It is by preserving our culture of life that we will Make America Great Again.” [Donald J. Trump Campaign, 2/15/16]

Virtiol Against Planned Parenthood


Trump’s Extreme Commentary About 2015 Center For Medial Progress Planned Parenthood Video


Trump On Planned Parenthood Videos, 2015: “What They Say And The Way They, It’s Like You Are Selling Parts To An Automobile Or Something.” According to the Daily Caller, “Laura Ingraham: Yesterday, Planned Parenthood was exposed again in an eighth video released by the Center for Medical Progress. Do you still believe there are two Planned Parenthoods or is it time to defund this organization? Donald Trump: Well, you should defund anyway because they are doing the abortions. It is like an abortion factory, which is terrible. So you should defund anyway. But those videos are horrible. Every time you see them, they get worse and worse. And it’s not only that, the messengers are so bad. There always, I mean these people, what they say and the way they, it’s like you are selling parts to an automobile or something. It’s a terrible situation going on with Planned Parenthood. There’s no question about it.” [Daily Caller, 8/26/15]


Trump Statement, 2015: Planned Parenthood Sold “Aborted Baby Body Parts To The Highest Bidder.” According to Breitbart, “Trump said in his exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Tuesday evening[:] While Planned Parenthood is engaging in the despicable practice of abortion — in addition to then selling aborted baby body parts to the highest bidder — the organization should receive no taxpayer dollars. The liberal left wing always claims that Planned Parenthood isn’t about abortion and that it’s about other general areas of women’s health. I am totally in favor of women’s health and if they can put their money where their mouth is, and stop the abortion services at Planned Parenthood entirely, we can talk about government funding for many of the other aspects of the organization that do a lot of good.” [Breitbart, 8/11/15]


[Video] Donald Trump On The Planned Parenthood Videos:  “It’s Disgusting And Absolutely They Should Be Defunded.”“Dana Loesch:  Should [Planned Parenthood] be defunded?  Donald Trump:  Well, they should and I was looking at some of those things and the way that woman is eating her salad.  I guess that’s the one you’re talking about, right?  She keeps eating her salad and just – and now there’s another one, I see that.  It’s disgusting.  It’s disgusting and absolutely they should be defunded.” [The Blaze,7/21/15; 160721_MM_77063_A]

Trump Connected Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooting To “A Tremendous Group Of People That Think It’s Terrible, All Of The Videos That They’ve Seen”


[Video] Donald Trump On The Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooting: Called Shooter A Maniac; Then Said  “There Is A Tremendous Group Of People That Think It’s Terrible, All Of The Videos That They’ve Seen.” Chuck Todd: Let me ask you about your reaction to what happened in Colorado. Donald Trump: Okay. I think it’s terrible. I mean, terrible. It’s more of the same. And I think it’s a terrible thing. And he’s a maniac! He’s a maniac. Todd: Now, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood is concerned that the heated rhetoric around the Planned Parenthood debate could’ve had an adverse effect, basically, on this mentally disturbed individual. Do you think the rhetoric got out of hand on Planned Parenthood? Trump: No. I think he’s a sick person. And I think he was probably a person ready to go. We don’t even know the purpose. I mean, he hasn’t come out, to the best of my knowledge, with a statement as to why it happened to be at that location. Todd: Well, we have reporting. Trump: Nobody knows. He lived in a different area. Todd: We have reporting that he was talking about baby parts and things like that from law enforcement officials during his interview. Trump: Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it’s terrible, all of the videos that they’ve seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you’re selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of people that are very unhappy about that. Now, I know some of the tapes were perhaps not pertinent. I know that a couple of people that were running for office or are running for office on the Republican side were commenting on tapes that weren’t appropriate. But there were many tapes that are appropriate in terms of commenting on. And there are people that are extremely upset about it. It looks like you’re talking about parts to some machine or something. And they’re not happy about it.”  [“Meet the Press,” NBC, 11/29/15; 151129_JF_1220_A]

Trump Called Planned Parenthood “An Abortion Factory”


[Video] Donald Trump Called Planned Parenthood “An Abortion Factory.”  “The problem that I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation. It is like an abortion factory, frankly.  And you can’t have it. And you just shouldn’t be funding it. That should not be funded by the government, and I feel strongly about that.” [“New Day,” CNN, 8/11/15; 150811_JF_1219_A]


Trump On Planned Parenthood, 2015: “It Is Like An Abortion Factory, Which Is Terrible.” According to the Daily Caller, “Laura Ingraham: Yesterday, Planned Parenthood was exposed again in an eighth video released by the Center for Medical Progress. Do you still believe there are two Planned Parenthoods or is it time to defund this organization? Donald Trump: Well, you should defund anyway because they are doing the abortions. It is like an abortion factory, which is terrible. So you should defund anyway. But those videos are horrible. Every time you see them, they get worse and worse. And it’s not only that, the messengers are so bad. There always, I mean these people, what they say and the way they, it’s like you are selling parts to an automobile or something. It’s a terrible situation going on with Planned Parenthood. There’s no question about it.” [Daily Caller, 8/26/15]

Published: Mar 30, 2016

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