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News Tuesday, Feb 14 2017

Snapshot of Donald Trump's Not-Even First Month

Feb 14, 2017

“Less than a month into the Trump presidency, every single day it’s impossible to avoid reading about scandals or drastic missteps on the part of the administration that undermine America’s economic prosperity, national security, and basic values,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah. “This is an unnerving display of dangerous incompetence from a man who ran on his management ability and pledged that he was ‘the only one who could fix’ large-scale challenges facing the United States.”

New York Times, 2/14/2017“‘Unbelievable Turmoil’: Trump’s First Month Leaves Washington Reeling”

Washington Post, 2/14/2017“Upheaval is now standard operating procedure inside the White House”

Washington Post (Dan Balz), 2/14/2017“In the early weeks of the new administration, the humbling of a president”

CNN, 2/14/2017: “Behind the scenes: A White House in turmoil”

Bloomberg, 2/14/2017: “Trump White House Caught in Flurry of Investigations After Flynn”

Wall Street Journal, 2/14/2017: “White House Facing More Russia Questions After Mike Flynn Resignation”

Politico, 2/14/2017Kellyanne Conway struggling to cool controversies she set off”

CBS News, 2/14/2017: “Office of Government Ethics: Discipline Kellyanne Conway”

Huffington Post (Howard Fineman), 2/14/2017: “The White House Is Already In Flames”

The Hill, 2/13/2017: “Mar-a-Lago guest takes picture with nuclear ‘football’ briefcase”

BuzzFeed, 2/13/2017: “This Mar-A-Lago Member Had A Great Time Photographing Trump Handling A National Security Crisis”

Published: Feb 14, 2017

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