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News Thursday, Mar 16 2017

Spicer Questions: About Last Night Edition

Mar 16, 2017

A lot went wrong for Donald Trump last night: his Muslim ban was struck down by the courts (again), HHS Secretary Tom Price’s town hall exposed the many failings of TrumpCare, and his budget proposal has something for everyone to hate.

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions:

1. OMB Director Mulvaney said this morning he could point to the campaign speeches where lines from the Trump budget were derived. In what speech did Trump promise to gut programs to help small business owners?  Nutrition assistance for women, infants, and children? Manufacturing expansion programs?

2. How will Trump voters react to elimination of the Appalachian Regional Commission, which helps create jobs in the region, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which is a literal lifesaver for seniors?

3. Isn’t Trump’s $1 billion budget cut for federal prison construction a gift to the private prison companies that funded his campaign and Super PAC’s?

4. Is the White House going to go back to the first Muslim ban like Donald Trump said he wanted to do at his rally last night?

5. Does President Trump call everyone he sees defending him on Fox News or should we expect Tomi Lahren to start playing a role in the administration?

6. What is the White House comment on reports that the President’s adviser Sebastian Gorka is a member of a Hungarian Nazi-affiliated group?

Published: Mar 16, 2017

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