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News Monday, Feb 27 2017

Spicer Questions: Presuming He Lets Everyone In Today

Feb 27, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer takes the podium today in the middle of the ongoing sideshow war between the press and the White House. Spicer was supposed to hold a White House press briefing on Friday, but he opted to brief a few hand-picked conservative media outlets while barring others instead.

The feud continued over the weekend with President Trump announcing he will break tradition and not attend the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. Of course, the fact that the President is incapable of laughing at himself surprises no one.

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah urges the media at today’s press briefing to focus on the more pressing issues at hand and not play into the White House’s anti-media narrative:

1. Does President Trump support an investigation into the botched Yemen raid that resulted in Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens’ death like spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said this weekend?

2. Will the White House demand Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuse himself and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate President Trump’s ties to Russia as Republican Darrell Issa supports?

3. Which ACA replacement approach will President Trump support in his meeting with insurance company CEO’s today? The House GOP plan to cap Medicaid or Governor Kasich’s approach to preserve Obama’s Medicaid expansion which Trump reportedly said he “liked better?”

4. What is the White House comment on reports that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt lied under oath about his private email use?

5. What is President Trump’s response to President George W. Bush’s criticism of his Muslim ban this morning on the Today Show?

Published: Feb 27, 2017

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