Ron DeSantis Plan Is A “Financial Fiasco” For Floridians
In an effort to punish those who oppose his “Don’t Say Gay” law DeSantis would raise taxes on millions of…
Ron DeSantis Doesn’t Know Who the President of Cuba is
Today, during a press conference in Port St. Joe, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis incorrectly claimed he has to worry about “Castro…
American Bridge Files Complaint Responding to DeSantis, Moody Use of Office to Support Re-Election Campaigns
Governor, Attorney General Promoted Campaign Website Soliciting Donations While Discharging Official Duties American Bridge 21st Century has filed formal complaints…
Ron DeSantis, Ashley Moody Broke Law in Plugging Campaign Website
Governor, Attorney General Promoted Campaign Website Soliciting Donations While Discharging Official Duties American Bridge 21st Century has filed formal complaints…
Rick Scott Votes Against Rick Scott
After putting forward ten ideas to compete economically with China, Rick Scott voted against them According to a recent report…
DeSantis Targets Public Schools And LGBTQ Youth For Billionaire Backers
The easiest way to get a law passed in Florida is to write DeSantis a big enough check. According to…
2024 Watch: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Pushes Extreme Culture War Agenda
DeSantis’ Out-Of-Touch Agenda Furthers His Political Ambitions, While Ignoring Floridians’ Health And Economic Prosperity This week, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis continued…
Fox News: NRSC Chair Rick Scott Again Defends Proposal For Senate GOP Tax Hikes
Five weeks after first introducing his “11-point plan,” NRSC Chair Rick Scott is continuing to defend his “post-midterms GOP roadmap” agenda that “sunsets…
U.S. Senate Republicans Block Abortion Rights Bill
Republicans are far-out-of-step with voters on abortion, urging the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and pushing for hardline ban laws.
Brutal FL Headline: “When talking about COVID-19, DeSantis leaves out key facts”
Today, the Orlando Sentinel published a comprehensive breakdown of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ COVID-19 public response — and public health experts had a…