Marco Rubio Filibuster Effort To Strengthen Voting Rights And Elections
Earlier this month, Republicans filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act,and they filibustered the establishment of a bipartisan Jan. 6 Commission in…
ICYMI – The Washington Post: So when is Trump going to turn on Gov. Ron DeSantis?
By Philip Bump | June 22, 2021 Key Points: “Nothing frustrates Trump more obviously and viscerally than coming in second.…
“In Their Own Words” FL Legislators on Reproductive Rights
American Bridge 21st Century has launched a new “In Their Own Words” series to remind voters of the extreme anti-choice…
Oppo Dump: FL Republicans’ Disastrous Health Care Records
American Bridge 21st Century released the second in a series of reports targeting Republican state lawmakers, read it here. Today…
Oppo Dump: Vulnerable Florida Republicans on LGBTQ Equality
American Bridge releases their first state legislative “oppo dump” focused on Republican lawmakers’ LGBTQ records, read it here. Today, American…
American Bridge Oppo Dump Targets Vulnerable Republican State Lawmakers on LGBTQ Equality
American Bridge releases their first reports in a series of “oppo dumps” targeting 26 Republican state lawmakers’ LGBTQ records Today,…
Amidst COVID-19 Crisis, Trump & Family Continue Illegally Profiting off of Taxpayers at Doral Resort
"With a looming public health crisis on the horizon, Donald Trump, again, sought to corruptly leverage his power to personally…
Senate Brief: Healthcare Looms Large for GOP Senate Candidates
Week of Monday, September 10. IN BRIEF: After nearly a decade of thwarted efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act,…
Senate Brief: GOP Primary Candidates Are Taking Off The Gloves Ahead of May’s Primaries
Week of Monday, April 30 IN BRIEF: As the first GOP Senate primaries and conventions approach, Republican candidates are taking…
Republican Senate Hopefuls Will Still Have to Answer for Trumpcare
“Whether it’s Trumpcare or repealing the ACA without a replacement, GOP Senators and Senate hopefuls are stuck with their cruel…