KY AG and GOP Gov Nominee Daniel Cameron Wants to Prosecute Kentuckians Who Get an Abortion Out of State
In a new report from LEX18, Kentucky Attorney General and GOP Gubernatorial nominee Daniel Cameron continuously emphasized that he would not…
ICYMI: KKK Flyers Are Popping Up All Over Kentucky
“Kentucky’s Republican attorney general Daniel Cameron, who is also his party’s nominee for governor, has not yet publicly commented on…
KY GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cameron Doesn’t Want to Talk About His Trump Endorsement
Kentucky’s GOP gubernatorial nominee Daniel Cameron, who previously said he was still “honored” to have Donald Trump’s endorsement after the former president…
Daniel Cameron Just Won the Kentucky GOP Gubernatorial Primary – Here’s What You Need to Know
Today, Daniel Cameron won the Kentucky GOP gubernatorial primary. After the most expensive primary race in Kentucky’s history, Daniel Cameron…
ICYMI: AB21 Co-Chair Governor Steve Bullock on MSNBC to Discuss Disastrous KY-GOV Republican Primary
Yesterday, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair, Governor Steve Bullock, appeared on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton to discuss Kentucky’s…
Kentucky GOP Candidates Daniel Cameron and Kelly Craft Chicken Out of Tonight’s Debate — Here’s What You Still Need to Know
With just over a week before the Kentucky primary elections, top GOP gubernatorial candidates Attorney General Daniel Cameron and former…
ICYMI: Kentucky gubernatorial candidate [Kelly Craft] lied about not campaigning after Louisville mass shooting
“According to Louisville Public Media, Craft did appear at a rally held at a Middletown pizza restaurant after the shooting occurred...” …
ICYMI: Kentucky candidate [Kelly Craft] ad features cop who wrote controversial police training slideshow
A new report from The American Independent details how Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Kelly Craft released an ad featuring a cop whose training tactics encouraged…
Kentuckians Deserve to Know if Kelly Craft and Ryan Quarles Want to Gut Medicaid
While Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron made it explicitly clear he wants to follow former Governor Matt Bevin’s plan to…

KY-GOV’s Daniel Cameron Celebrates Endorsement By Dirty Cops
Last year, Daniel Cameron, Kentucky’s Attorney General and a Republican candidate for Kentucky governor, celebrated more than 50 law enforcement officers endorsing…