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Monday, Jul 25 2022

Mehmet Oz Made Millions Off App That Could Track Abortion Patients

On Friday, Jezebel reported that Republican U.S. Senate Nominee and New Jersey resident Mehmet Oz co-founded and made millions of…

Monday, Jul 18 2022

ICYMI: Doug Mastriano’s Trove Of Deleted Facebook Videos Shows MAGA Extremism He’d Rather Hide

Today, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania governor, Doug Mastriano, has been regularly deleting Facebook Lives…

News Articles Press Releases Mehmet Oz Friday, Jul 15 2022

Dr. Oz Hopes To Be Inducted Into the New Jersey Hall of Fame

According to a new report from HuffPost, in 2019 “New Jersey’s glitterati gathered to toast the Garden State and honor…

The PA Republicans Trying To Slash (Even More) Constitutional Abortion Rights

Late last week, in the middle of the night, Pennsylvania Republicans in the General Assembly introduced a proposed amendment to the state constitution stating that the document does not “grant the right to taxpayer-funded abortion or any other right relating to abortion.” The amendment…

Friday, Jun 17 2022

More Coverage Exposes Mehmet Oz as a Scammer Who’ll Say, Do Anything to Boost and Enrich Himself

Two new reports underscore the reality that Pennsylvania Republicans’ U.S. Senate nominee Mehmet Oz is a scammer and a fraud…

Doug Mastriano Will Gut Public School Funding as Governor

On Sunday, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano plans to significantly cut public school funding.…

Abortion Health Care Outsourcing Trade Monday, May 23 2022

Oz and McCormick are Wrong for Pennsylvania

Facing down a recount, both Mehmet Oz and David McCormick are wrong for Pennsylvania workers and families.

PA’s Doug Mastriano Pledges to Appoint a Secretary of State Who Will Rig Elections for the GOP

There is mounting concern in Pennsylvania and across the country that Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano, who crossed police barricades…

Doug Mastriano Tuesday, May 17 2022

American Bridge 21st Century Responds to Mastriano Victory in PA-GOV Primary

Despite Republicans doing nearly everything they could to prevent this from happening, Doug Mastriano has won the GOP primary in…

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