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Thursday, Jun 22 2017

Statement from American Bridge on Release of Back Room Senate Trumpcare Bill 

Jun 22, 2017

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement about what the Senate Trumpcare bill, which Republicans have worked on behind closed doors for weeks without even disclosing to the public which lobbyists were involved, would mean for American families:

“Now we know why Republican Senators have been trying to keep this a secret from the public, though not lobbyists and special interest groups. This bill is an even more devastating version of the House Trumpcare plan, which the country has already strongly rejected. It would cost millions of Americans their healthcare, force spiking healthcare costs onto families, and cripple the life-changing protections for people with pre-existing conditions that the Affordable Care Act created.

“What’s more, Senate Republicans are trying to gut Medicaid with even more draconian cuts than the House Trumpcare bill, which would be horrible for 70 million working Americans – especially for those suffering from the opioid epidemic that already has a grip on the country. All this just to cut taxes for the rich.

“It’s unspeakable, and Republicans will be held accountable for this monstrosity for years to come.”

Published: Jun 22, 2017

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