Profile In Courage
What's Scott Walker's response to Donald Trump saying Mexicans are rapists? "He can speak for himself." Walker couldn't find the courage to…
American Bridge Releases Guides To Scott Walker's Scandals
Just a few hours into his official run, Scott Walker is already getting flak for his highly "controversial" Wisconsin state budget, and…
NPR On Bush's 36% Tax Rate: "That's not close to true."
Unsurprisingly, NPR is out today with more evidence that Jeb Bush isn't telling the whole story on his tax rates.…
Marco Rubio would make students pay more for college
Marco Rubio took the bold step of offering a plan that even he acknowledges might make some people pay more for their…
Ouch! Marco 'I Don't Know' Rubio Struggles Hard on FOX News
The coverage Marco Rubio was envisioning today probably didn't include a word salad non-answer about Donald Trump's outrageous comments on…
Trump/King 2016
Reading a transcript of Donald Trump's announcement speech or listening to him double-down on his immigration positions, you would…
Hey, Jeb! Why Don't You Put Your $$$ Where Your Mouth Is?
SHOT: 1994: Jeb Bush Said Charities Were An Alternative To Welfare Bush Cited “Marriage […], Work […], Going To Charitable…
Republicans can try to laugh off Donald Trump. They can refuse to comment on his incendiary views. They can attempt…
Yahoo: Bush had a 21.3% average tax rate
It turns out Jeb Bush had an average effective tax rate of 21.3 percent according to financial planner Michael Kitces on Yahoo Finance, not…
Walker's Economy Gets Worse
How much has Scott Walker tanked Wisconsin’s economy? In addition to having the slowest job growth in the Midwest, Wisconsin layoff notices just passed the total layoffs in all of 2014 and are set to be the highest of Walker's tenure by 4,000.