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Extreme Rhetoric

News Tuesday, Apr 7 2015

American Bridge Welcomes "Paul Off The Wall" to the Presidential Race

Senator Rand Paul is making his presidential bid official today, and American Bridge is welcoming him with 20 reminders of his wild and crazy moments at

News Friday, Apr 3 2015

GOP Civil War Brewing Over Discriminatory “Religious Freedom” Bills

After a week of disastrous headlines, Republicans are at each other’s throats over controversial “religious freedom” legislation. Indiana Governor Mike Pence, who ignored public outcry to sign the bill in a secret ceremony with anti-gay activists, caved to overwhelming public pressure-- including from Mitch Daniels-- and asked for a “fix” only to see GOPers in the business community tell him that wasn’t enough, either. The damage doesn’t stop with Pence, though.  The 2016 Republican presidential field backed Pence’s original law (well, depending on what room they were in), further highlighting just how far the party has to come from their now-farcical 2012 autopsy.

News LGBTQ+ Thursday, Apr 2 2015

Jeb on LGBT rights? Room dependent

Jeb Bush was caught yesterday shamelessly backpedaling his full-throated defense of Mike Pence and Indiana's anti-LGBT legislation. Living up to his caricature as a craven politician, Bush fed red meat to his base at the beginning of the week but stood up for equal rights in the Bay Area just days later.

News Wednesday, Apr 1 2015

GOP tarnishes party’s reputation by supporting Indiana’s discrimination law

Mike Pence, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Scott Walker have had another effect beyond supporting discrimination against gays and lesbians: They have lurched the Republican Party even further to the right by reminding voters about their extreme policies. The GOP is even fighting to stake out the most conservative position among each other. This saga is far from over. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson today backtracked on his support for an Indiana-style bill that was more extreme than the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act and North Carolina is still currently pushing one, “leaving open the possibility that the damage to the Republican brand is not yet done,” as Politico notes.

News Tuesday, Mar 31 2015

Rubio and Pence Say Religious Freedom Law is not a License to Discriminate; Restaurant Owner Disagrees


Rubio: "Nobody is saying that it should be legal to deny someone service at a restaurant or at a hotel because of their sexual orientation. I think that's a consensus view in America" (Fox News, 3/30/15)


Pence: "Some express concern that Indiana’s RFRA law would lead to discrimination, but RFRA only provides a mechanism to address claims, not a license for private parties to deny services." (WSJ, 3/31/15)


Mediaite: Indiana Restaurant Owner Admits to Discriminating Against Gays on Radio

News LGBTQ+ Tuesday, Mar 31 2015

VIDEO: Indiana's RFRA: Par for the Course for GOP Presidential Candidates

Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act has created a national uproar that serves as a stark reminder of the state of today's Republican Party: par for the course is extreme policies for America. Following a complete duff trying to defend the law on Sunday from Governor Mike Pence, the GOP's leading presidential contenders didn't lay-up, they doubled-downed. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, among others, took to the airways to unequivocally endorse Indiana's RFRA.

News Monday, Mar 30 2015

VIDEO: Pence "On the Wrong Side of History"

The political backlash against Indiana Governor Mike Pence's "Religious Freedom" law has been swift and devastating as thousands of Hoosiers have protested…

News Tuesday, Mar 24 2015

Senator Walsh?

Former Congressman Joe Walsh just refuses to fade into obscurity, telling WROK Radio that he is considering a Senate primary against Senator Mark Kirk. His challenge will likely have Kirk running to the right to shore up his conservative bona fides as Walsh touts his Tea Party platform. American Bridge will be here to hold both candidates accountable to their promises. Check out Walsh's highlight reel below: FLAT TAX - MONEY IN WASHINGTON - ELIMINATION OF THE DOE- DAVID AND GOLIATH -

News Monday, Mar 23 2015

American Bridge Reaction to Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign

It’s official: Tea Party Republican Ted Cruz is running for president, setting the stage for a long and bloody primary that reveals the extreme nature of Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and the rest of the field as they struggle to keep up with Cruz’s radical streak. “Ted Cruz shut down the government in a tantrum, opposes marriage equality, denies climate change, and opposes a woman’s right to choose even in cases of rape or incest. He’s everything voters hate about the modern Republican Party in one candidate, and the entire field is already signing on to his positions,” said Brad Woodhouse, President of American Bridge 21st Century. American Bridge has been scouting Cruz for years. Our full scouting report on Cruz is available here, including biographical info and what to watch for in his campaign.

News Wednesday, Mar 18 2015

CO Flashback: Coffman Called Social Security "Ponzi scheme"

With news breaking today that the national GOP is trying to draft Congressman Mike Coffman to run for Senate in Colorado, a reminder from 2011 that his record isn't likely to pass the smell test:

POLITICO: Coffman on board with 'Ponzi scheme'

Second-term Colorado GOP Rep. Mike Coffman is on board with Rick Perry's characterization of Social Security, calling it a "Ponzi scheme" on a local radio show.

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