American Bridge Releases New Ad On Cuccinelli’s Extreme Social Agenda
American Bridge 21st Century released a new web ad titled “Not Buying It.” The video shows Cuccinelli’s cynical history of deceiving voters by pretending to address important issues like jobs or transportation. Cuccinelli himself has admitted on multiple occasions that no matter what issues he talks about publicly, his main focus will always be instituting his extreme social agenda. Cuccinelli went so far as to brag to supporters about his success at misleading voters and the press: “[We] told the Post we were talking about transportation. They bought it.” We’re not buying it this time.
Rand Paul “Agrees to Disagree” With Self on Gay Marriage
In the aftermath of yesterday’s historic Supreme Court decision overturning DOMA, Sen. Rand Paul appeared to distance himself from his Republican colleagues eager to rush to the wrong side of history. ABC News reported that “Paul said he agreed with [Justice Anthony] Kennedy,” calling the ruling “appropriate” and “tried to strike a balance.” But hours later, Paul debased himself and any moderate image he’s been crafting in a cheap ploy to curry favor from Glenn Beck. As Beck speculated on the possibility of the court’s decision leading to polygamy, Paul threw himself head-first down the slippery slope by raising the specter of legalized bestiality: “But it is difficult because if we have no laws on this people take it to one extension further. Does it have to be humans?” [gallery link="file" ids="10219,10220"]
VIDEO: EW Jackson says Great Society worse for black families than slavery
As you may have heard, EW Jackson yesterday said that government programs started in the 60s were worse for black families than slavery was.
"Legitimate rape." Forced ultrasounds. "Something that God intended." These aren't isolated gaffes, but a fundamental problem in GOP policies on rape, pregnancy and women's personal health care decisions. Even if they don't talk about it the same way, the shocking views expressed by Todd Akin are shared by many others in the Republican Party.
EW Jackson on GOP ticket: "More homogeneous than almost any ticket ever"
Today on WMAL, EW Jackson put to rest any talk about disagreement or space between himself and Ken Cuccinelli. Jackson said:
"We are in fundamental agreement. I've heard that this ticket is probably more homogeneous than almost any ticket ever in the history of Virginia, So there's no stark disagreement between us."
Cuccinelli & EW Jackson See Eye-To-Eye On Planned Parenthood Attacks
Another day, another offensive video showing just how extreme the Cuccinelli-Jackson ticket really is. As we learned last week, EW Jackson made his infamous Planned Parenthood-KKK comments in an effort to defend Ken Cuccinelli from attacks about his comment comparing abortion to slavery. Today, POLITICO unearthed video from 2011 showing Cuccinelli using a similar argument to attack Planned Parenthood and its founder Margaret Sanger (an attack that was debunked by that year).
Partners In Slime Cuccinelli And Jackson: Extreme Attacks On President Obama
Extreme and conspiratorial attacks accusing President Obama of tyranny and lying about his birthplace and religion are usually found in angry, anonymous Internet comments and tea party message boards. But now, thanks to 'Partners in Slime' Ken Cuccinelli and EW Jackson, Virginians can find fringe attacks on the president at the top of the GOP ticket.
The verdict is in: Virginia GOP ticket is a disaster
Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli did not get to choose his running mate. But E.W. Jackson is everything – short of experience, competency, and electability – Cuccinelli could have hoped for in a Lieutenant Governor.
With the spate of recent headlines, one might question why Cuccinelli would say of Jackson “I’m glad he’s on this ticket”:
Todd Akin, Virginia Style (Roll Call)
Virginia Republicans Panicking Over Their Choice for Lieutenant Governor (National Journal)
Bill Bolling: GOP pick E.W. Jackson's remarks ‘indefensible’ (POLITICO)
Virginia Republicans Aren’t Flocking To Anti-Gay Lieutenant Governor Hopeful (BuzzFeed)
But Cuccinelli and Jackson share a radical conservative worldview that is too extreme for Virginia. Jackson’s sudden emergence has caused his comments to draw the majority of the attention of late. Don’t forget that the man Republicans have nominated at the top of the ticket has his own history of outrageous comments that make Cuccinelli and Jackson a perfect match.
VIDEO: Cuccinelli-Jackson: Too Extreme for Virginia
After praising EW Jackson as a "committed devotee" and "a powerful voice," Ken Cuccinelli fully embraced his new running mate yesterday, saying,…
VIDEO: Cuccinelli praises EW Jackson as "committed devotee" & "a powerful voice"
Over the weekend, Virginia Republicans nominated the extreme activist EW Jackson. Let's see what Ken has to say about him.
CUCCINELLI: You all have heard the powerful voice of EW. He's a committed devotee of first principles and a great speaker about them and how they apply in our lives and what it means for government whether we follow them or not.