BRIDGE BRIEFING: The Extreme Views Of “Women for Ken”
Recently, Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli announced the support of “Women for Ken.” Considering Cuccinelli’s record on issues of importance to Virginia women, the organization is reminiscent of the “Women for Akin” group that backed the Missouri Congressman even after he infamously claimed “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
A closer examination of the list reveals that the comparison is apt – among the list of Cuccinelli supporters one will find some of the same women who rushed forward to defend Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, who called a pregnancy resulting from rape “something that God intended.” It’s not surprising that they place Cuccinelli in the same company.
Many of these women have been affiliated with the organizations and candidates who are most adamant about denying women the opportunity to make decisions about their own body or curtailing their access to health care. The list also includes the sponsor of the Virginia legislation that would have required women to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound before they could have an abortion.
The “Women for Ken” have made clear that they support Cuccinelli because he shares their views on the treatment on Virginia women and families. It’s worth keeping in mind what he had to do to earn the support of people like this.
Today American Bridge launched to educate voters on Ken Cuccinelli's extreme views on everything from sexual orientation and climate change to Medicare and reproductive freedom. The statements show that the focus of Cuccinelli's career has always been on furthering his extreme agenda rather than finding mainstream solutions for Virginians. Check it out - Some examples... [gallery link="file" ids="10227,10228"]
State Of The Republican Union
Over the past couple months it has been almost impossible to turn on the television or open our internet browser without seeing blaring headlines or chyrons on the latest round of GOP infighting. What started as post-election finger pointing quickly evolved into name calling over Hurricane Sandy relief, committee purgings, Plan B, immigration, and eventually Crossroads' new primary meddling project. What a mess.
Romney Adviser: Income Inequality Doesn’t Matter Because The Poor Own Microwaves
WASHINGTON -- Romney economic adviser and American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Kevin Hassett wrote an op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal criticizing those concerned with the growing gap between the rich and the poor because many low income households own basic appliances, such as microwaves. Hassett’s views echo those of Mitt Romney, who has criticized Americans concerned with inequality as being driven by “envy,” and said that discussions about the topic do not belong in public, but instead be reserved for “quiet rooms.” “Growing income inequality is a major issue in this election, and a major issue for our economy. What Mitt Romney doesn’t understand is that improving the fortunes of low income Americans would expand the middle class and serve as a booster shot for our economy.” said American Bridge president Rodell Mollineau. “Video has shown us that when Mitt Romney speaks about inequality in his ‘quiet rooms,’ he does it not to address the problem, but to mock and attack his fellow Americans who are struggling. That’s not just wrong -- that's straight up mean.”
VIDEO: The Tale Of Tommy And Mitt
Recently, Tommy Thompson has been lamenting his falling poll numbers, blaming Mitt Romney for the dramatic turnabout. Perhaps instead of seeing similarities between their falling poll numbers, Thompson should look at the similarities in their policy positions. “Tommy Thompson’s collapse in the polls cannot be blamed simply on Mitt Romney’s slide. They are both tanking because they both espouse similarly unpopular proposals,” said Matt Thornton, Senior Communications Adviser for American Bridge 21st Century. “As long as Thompson and Romney are talking about destroying Medicare and accusing half of America of being freeloaders, they will face a similar fate on Election Day.”
MEMO: The Consequences of Crazy, Volume 2: Todd Akin is a Legitimately Bad Candidate
Displaying an incomprehensibly poor understanding of human female biology and raising disconcerting questions about what distinguishes a “legitimate” rape from presumably lesser rapes, Rep. Todd Akin forever entered the political lexicon and emerged as a national punch line with his comments on “legitimate rape.” For casual observers, the comments raised the question of how an individual holding such an extreme view not only wins a Senate primary, but holds onto a seat in the House of Representatives for over a decade. Indeed, such concerns are well warranted. Rather than an isolated incident, these remarks are just the latest in a long line of outrageous comments from Akin. With the deadline passing for Akin to withdraw his name from the November ballot, Republican strategists are wishing that they had had a way to shut down his whole candidacy. Instead, they are finding out that these are the consequences of nominating crazy.
MEMO: The Consequences of Crazy, Volume 1: Michele Bachmann’s Presidential Bid
“There’s a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate. She said her daughter was given that vaccine. She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result of that vaccine.”
- Michele Bachmann, FOX News, September 12, 2011
- Click here to view The Bachmann Files.
- Click here to view our Best of Bachmann video.
On August 13th 2011, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann secured a victory at the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa, temporarily vaulting her to frontrunner status in the Republican presidential race. Almost exactly one month later, following a debate with her fellow primary contenders, Bachmann claimed in an interview that the HPV vaccine caused mental retardation. Michele Bachmann is no stranger to controversial statements. She rose to national fame by calling for an investigation into her congressional colleagues to determine which Members of Congress were “anti-America.” But her decision to run for President moved her from fringe political bomb-thrower to one of the preeminent members of the Republican Party. And with that came an increased scrutiny which she was unable to withstand. These are the consequences of being crazy.
VIDEO: Christie/King 2016?
Chris Christie will be traveling to Iowa today to attend a fundraiser for embattled Representative Steve King, whose recent comments…
Roscoe Bartlett Really Likes Comparing Things To Nazis
Recently, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) was forced to apologize for implying that federally-issued student loans could lead the United States down a "slippery slope" comparable to the Holocaust. But do you know who else liked comparing things to Nazis? Well, actually, Roscoe Bartlett. It appears that eliminating subsidies for private companies in the student loan process is just the latest action that Bartlett has identified as setting America down the path to fascism and genocide.