Seniors Will Medicare About GOP Cutting Social Security And Medicare
With more than one million South Carolinians benefiting from Social Security and over 900,000 from Medicare, one would think Republicans would work…
GOP Field & Congress: We Don't Medicare About Your Earned Benefits
You can count on the GOP field and Republicans in Congress to deny climate change, promote massive tax cuts for…
Marco Rubio's Policies Put Benefits For Seniors And Future Retirees At Risk
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement in response to Marco Rubio's extreme and out-of-touch policy that would hurt seniors:…
"Being Like Romney Is A Good Thing, Right?" — Jeb Bush, Probably
Yesterday morning, Marco Rubio joined his mentor Jeb Bush in criticizing the "free stuff" strategy. Apparently Jeb saw that as an opening…
New Hampshire Can’t Trust Ayotte To Protect Medicare
More than 230,000 New Hampshire residents were Medicare beneficiaries in 2012, according to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Yet Senator Kelly Ayotte voted…
Kelly Ayotte Goes Full Washington
Kelly Ayotte is launching her reelection campaign as one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country. Granite Staters don’t trust Ayotte to put them first ahead of the special interests bankrolling her campaign, and it’s easy to see why after five years in D.C. Ayotte’s resume reads like a who’s who of out-of-touch Republican positions:
- Ayotte supports raising the retirement age and cutting Social Security benefits.
- Ayotte voted to roll back Wall Street reforms, while her largest donors are Wall Street execs.
- Ayotte opposes equal pay measures and voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act.
- Ayotte voted to voucherize Medicare in the Ryan Budget.
- Ayotte is anti-choice and would overturn Roe v. Wade.
- Ayotte voted to defund Planned Parenthood.
- Ayotte would allow employers to make health care decisions for female employees by supporting the Blunt Amendment and Hobby Lobby decision.
- Ayotte opposes marriage equality and same-sex adoption.
- Ayotte voted against allowing people to refinance their college loan debt.
MEMO: What To Expect In Nashua
TO: Interested Parties FROM: Brad Woodhouse, President, American Bridge 21st Century RE: What to Expect in Nashua DATE: April 17, 2015 Republican presidential candidates are descending like a swarm of locusts on Nashua, New Hampshire, this weekend for the NHGOP’s First in the Nation Leadership Summit. With more than 20 candidate events scheduled in addition to Friday and Saturday’s speaking slots, American Bridge will be working overtime to document every word from targeted candidates and continue our work holding Republicans accountable for their extreme positions and words. Here’s what we’re expecting to hear.
MEMO: Congratulations to Koch-crony Joni
To: Interested Parties From: Brad Woodhouse, President of American Bridge 21st Century Re: Congratulations to Koch-crony Joni Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Congratulations to Joni Ernst. Last night she captured the Tea Party Senate nomination in Iowa, and all she had to do was oppose the minimum wage, “philosophically” oppose renewable fuel standards, and flatter the billionaire, out-of-state Koch brothers. Ernst faced a slew of conservative candidates in the Republican primary, but ultimately, her extreme record prevailed. You can't question her Tea Party bona fides--in addition to opposing a federal minimum wage altogether, she thinks shifting a greater tax burden onto the middle class is "a great way to go." She has made the case for privatizing Social Security, supported Paul Ryan's budget to gut Medicaid and voucherize Medicare, and called for the elimination of Renewable Fuel Standards along with all other taxpayer subsidies. Her position on every one of those issues is in lockstep with the Koch agenda, and she even co-sponsored a personhood amendment, which would make some forms of contraception illegal and take away a woman's right-to-choose even in the case of rape or incest. What more could a Tea Partier ask for? Now, general election voters in Iowa can enjoy five months of getting to know Koch-crony Joni and her anti-middle class agenda.
Memo From President Brad Woodhouse: Race to the Right in Georgia
The top two extreme Republicans running for Senate in Georgia have advanced to the next round of this knock down, drag out, race to the right primary fight. With two more months of campaigning until the runoff, David Perdue and Jack Kingston will undoubtedly continue to pander to the Tea Party base. Whether opposing raising the minimum wage/extending unemployment benefits, or supporting cuts to Medicare/attempting to voucherize the program, extreme conservatives Perdue and Kingston have more in common than not. Not to mention the time Kingston suggested low-income children perform manual labor in exchange for subsidized school lunches, and Perdue's track record as an out-of-touch elitist. Is this the face of a Republican Party that has learned its rebrand lessons from 2012?
We told you: Steve Lonegan is the face of the "new" GOP
Just over two months ago, on the night Steve Lonegan won the Republican nomination, American Bridge sent the memo below arguing that Lonegan's brand of extremism was perfectly in line with the "new" & "rebranded" Republican Party. If Washington Republicans' reckless and embarrassing behavior over the past three weeks weren't proof enough, take a look at what RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said at a Lonegan campaign rally just last night (VIDEO HERE). "I'll tell you what. Steve's been able to do something that we need a lot more of in this party. And that's unify our party, bring our party together. The Tea Party, the Republican Party, all in this together." -- Reince Priebus, RNC Chairman What Mr. Priebus doesn't seem to understand is that the Republicans' problem isn't a lack of unity with the Tea Party. This month's shutdown fiasco proves the GOP's problem is, in fact, its obedience to the Tea Party.