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Mitt’s Flips

News Education Friday, Sep 23 2011

VIDEO: Mitt's Flips: Race To The Top

During the Fox News/Google Republican primary debate, Mitt Romney adamantly denied Rick Perry's charge that he supported the Obama administrator's "Race to the Top." Unfortunately for Mr. Romney, we have him on video praising the program the very DAY BEFORE the debate.  American Bridge included the turnaround in our second "Mitt's Flips" video, a new series we started highlighting Romney's bad habit of abandoning his so-called convictions when it suits him politically. Take a look:

Thursday, Sep 22 2011

American Bridge Releases “Mitt’s Flips” Video Highlighting Romney’s Hypocrisy On Fannie & Freddie

In advance of tonight’s Republican presidential debate, American Bridge 21st Century today released a video highlighting Mitt Romney’s bad habit of switching positions nearly every time he walks into a room. As the Boston Globe reported, despite his campaign rhetoric lambasting the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for causing the housing crisis, Romney has up to half a million dollars in a mutual fund that is heavily invested in debt notes of the two entities. The video plays off of a comment Romney made in a Florida town hall just yesterday: “I think the American people recognize that we’re in a point of crisis and they want to hear the truth. And they can tell when people are being phony, and are pandering to an audience. And you’ll see that in politics, you’re not gonna see it in my campaign.” Obviously, given Romney’s long history of abandoning his so-called convictions every time he wages a campaign, that claim is laughably false.

Thursday, Sep 22 2011

RELEASE: American Bridge Releases “Mitt’s Flips” Video Highlighting Romney’s Hypocrisy on Fannie & Freddie

Washington, DC – In advance of tonight’s Republican presidential debate, American Bridge 21st Century today released a video highlighting Mitt Romney’s bad habit of switching positions nearly every time he walks into a room. As the Boston Globe reported, despite his campaign rhetoric lambasting the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for causing the housing crisis, Romney has up to half a million dollars in a mutual fund that is heavily invested in debt notes of the two entities. The video plays off of a comment Romney made in a Florida town hall just yesterday: “I think the American people recognize that we’re in a point of crisis and they want to hear the truth. And they can tell when people are being phony, and are pandering to an audience. And you’ll see that in politics, you’re not gonna see it in my campaign.”

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