MEMO: Debate Prep For Republican Presidential Candidates
To: Republican Presidential Candidates And Their Esteemed Representatives From: Ty Matsdorf, Senior Advisor American Bridge 21st Century RE: Debate Prep Date: January 19, 2012 Tonight’s debate may offer you your last best chance to reach voters not only in South Carolina, but across the nation. After more than a dozen debates, a lot of ground has been covered but there is still room to distinguish yourselves from Mitt Romney and attempt to derail his coronation. Since it seems that you have struggled to focus in on a sustained line of attack that erodes Mitt Romney’s standing and qualifications for being president among the Republican primary voters while not costing you support from your conservative base, we have mapped out three central themes that will accomplish both should you choose to highlight them in tonight’s debate. Themes For The Debate:
Romney Puts Personal Profit Above Values And Beliefs: It is no secret that Governor Romney is wealthy, and that is not something to begrudge. But highlighting what that wealth encompasses is a key line of attack that could be used. Below are examples that should be broached tonight:
Romney Profits From Abortion Services: On the campaign trail (even though he was previously pro-choice,) Romney continually touts his pro-life positions. However, that hasn’t stopped him from padding his bank account with investments in Stericycle, a company that disposes of aborted fetuses. Stericycle has been targeted by many conservative groups, the same demographic that Romney has been pandering to on the trail. (Huffington Post, 1/17/12)
Romney Profits From Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Despite demonizing Speaker Gingrich for his work for Fannie/Freddie, and the continual disparaging of them on the campaign trail, Romney personally invested up to $500,000 in these organizations and made up to $50,000 last year alone. (Boston Globe, 9/19/11)
Romney Profits From China: On the campaign trail Romney is quick to talk tough on China, but that didn’t stop his investors from investing his money in Chinese holdings. And if Romney hides behind his “blind trust,” remind him of his quote from 1994 calling blind trusts “rouses” (Wall Street Journal, 12/17/11)
Romney Profits From Offshore Tax Shelters: This line of attack writes itself. But just in case, this just further shows that with Mitt Romney his own personal profit trumps all else. (ABC News, 1/18/12)
Romney’s Business Success Was Due To “Corporate Welfare”: Governor Romney has held up his business experience as his main qualification for being President, and has been quick to dismiss the manner in which he acted as simply “free market capitalism.” What he doesn’t mention is that some of his success has been due to huge government subsidies and tax breaks, something decried by the conservative Cato Institute as “corporate welfare.”
Steel Dynamics: Undoubtedly, Governor Romney will tout Steel Dynamics, the “steel mill in Indiana,” as one of his successes. You must tell the other side of the story: this was only a success because of more than $37 million in government subsidies. And what is even more damaging, these subsidies were paid for by raising taxes on the local residents. (LA Times, 1/12/12)
Romney Is Out Of Touch: This has been percolating for months but nowhere was it more crystalized then his flippant comments about the amount of money he made from giving speeches. Again, while no one begrudges success, Governor Romney’s complete inability to relate to the struggles of working families is absolutely astounding.
Romney/Speeches: On Tuesday, Romney offhandedly said he didn’t make very much money from giving speeches. In reality, he has made more than $360,000 dollars last year alone giving speeches. (Politico, 1/18/12)
VIDEO: "Not Very Much"? Romney On $374,000 In Speaking Fees
Today in South Carolina, Mitt Romney explained that he pays a lower effective tax rate than many working Americans because his “income comes overwhelmingly from investments made in the past, rather than ordinary income or rather than earned annual income.” Romney also noted that he gets paid for speeches “from time to time,” but described the fees as “not very much.” However, Romney’s personal financial disclosure reveals that he raked in $374,327.62 in speaking fees between February 2010 and February 2011. That may be “not very much” to Mitt Romney, but the vast majority of voters would certainly disagree. Watch Romney’s remarks below:
Miami Herald: The Boomerang Effect: R's Who Attack Newt Gingrich For Rivera Support Impugn Marco Rubio
On January 14, 2012, the Miami Herald reported:
Yesterday, after Miami Rep. David Rivera made it official that he supported Republican candidate Newt Gingrich, the anonymous conservative whisper campaign began. They pointed out that Rivera, the only one of the three Republican representatives from Miami not to endorse Mitt Romney, had been dogged by state and federal investigations owing to investigative reports in The Miami Herald. [...] But, by this standard, the Republicans' beloved Senator, Florida's Marco Rubio, needs some new furniture. Rivera isn't just an ally of Rubio's. He's a close family friend, like an uncle to Rubio's kids.
Real Clear Politics: Romney's Tough Final Day In New Hampshire
On Janury 10, 2012, Real Clear Politics reported:
Romney's troubles began early in the morning when he told a crowd in Nashua, "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." [...] The Democratic group American Bridge issued a research document hitting Romney with a more substantive question based on the heart of his remark -- firing a service that isn’t performing well. “Why did he refuse to fire the landscaping company he employed to take care of his lawn even after he found out they hired illegal immigrants to care for his property?” the group asked. “He waited until he was running for office (for Pete's sake!) to do something about it.”
VIDEO: Romney's Ugly Coronation
Though Mitt Romney has spent 5 years of his run for President mired at 25%, there is one group that is signaling their singular support: the Washington Establishment. And Karl Rove, the king of conventional GOP wisdom is working double-time to make sure rank-and-file Republicans know it's time to fall in line. Through his constant television appearances and weekly op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Rove has consistently favored Mitt Romney and done what he does best: work to tear down any credible rival to Romney. He declared Romney’s tie with Santorum “a big win for Romney in Iowa.” He systemically unleashes harsh critiques of the latest what he calls “the GOP’s not Romney.” He defends Romney’s gaffes and policies, including the Massachusetts health care plan most Republicans dislike. For Rove, helping the favored candidate of Wall Street is an important sign of trust for the billionaire executives that Rove relies on for contributions. For Romney, earning Rove’s embrace is the successful culmination of six-years of saying anything to win the support of the Washington Republican establishment.
Reuters: Republican Foes Try To Brand Romney As Elitist
On January 9, 2012, Reuters reported:
The labels being attached to Republican U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney seem to be straight out of the Democrats' playbook. Elitist. Job killer. Out of touch. [...] One thing is clear: Accusing Romney of being an elitist matches what almost certainly will be a key part of the strategy of Obama's re-election campaign and groups that support the president. "In fact, we will do it much better than the Republicans are doing it now," said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge, a Democratic "opposition research" unit that uses film footage of candidates' own words to discredit them.
The Hill: Dems Hope To Portray Romney As Monty Burns—With Better Hair
On January 9, 2012, The Hill reported:
Mitt Romney has tried to portray himself as a regular guy in campaign speeches and meet-and-greet events with voters but his penchant for gaffes has undermined the effort, which Democrats plan to exploit in a general-election match-up. His remark Monday that he likes to be able “fire people” is the latest awkward statement that will haunt him if he wins the GOP nomination. Democrats on Monday described the statement as one of several “silver bullets” they plan to use in the summer and fall if Romney becomes the Republican nominee.
TPM: Mitt Romney: Don’t Run For Office If You Need The Salary
On January 8, 2012, Talking Points Memo reported:
Mitt Romney recounted some advice from his father, former presidential candidate George Romney, in Sunday’s NBC/Facebook debate about running for office: make sure you’re set for cash already. [...] Rodell Mollineau, president of Democratic Super PAC American Bridge, also condemned the comments. “I’d say that Romney has forgotten what it’s be part of the working class or middle class, but he never was,” Mollineau said, adding his quote showed he “has no idea what average Americans are going through on a daily basis.”
POLITICO's Arena: Is Santorum's Surge For Real?
Is everyone familiar with the phrase 'save the best for last'? This is pretty much the opposite of that. Right now, Santorum is the reaping the benefits of being the worst candidate in the field. Republican primary voters are so desperate to nominate anyone but Mitt Romney, that they've literally gone through everyone else. This started with Donald Trump last spring, and since the summer has rapidly cycled through Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Gingrich, and Paul. Each of them proved to be a fatally flawed candidate once they got their moment in the spotlight. Fortunately for Santorum, his turn just happens to coincide with the Iowa caucuses. He is also benefiting from having his surge occur in the week between Christmas and New Year's. Assuming that the latest polling accurately reflects Santorum as the anti-Romney vote du jour, the increased scrutiny he'll receive this week will help Republican voters realize that since losing his last election by 17 points, Santorum has been working as a corporate lobbyist.
Buy Now! Own NewtGingrich.Com! Won’t Last Long!
With the holiday season rapidly upon us, what do you get for the Republican primary candidate who has everything? American Bridge 21st Century has the perfect gift: As the people who brought you, it’s not that we didn’t have our own ideas about what to do with the site. But, in true holiday spirit, we figured it might go to someone with greater need than us. Maybe someone trying to get that added edge going into 2012, or perhaps someone who may have been too busy earlier in the year to secure it on their own. We thought of giving it away, but we wouldn’t want to be accused of being socialists. So, make your best offer. We’re asking for $1 million, but we’d be happy to accept $500,000 in bling. Heck in the spirit of Christmas we might even let it go for $10,000.