Jeb! Opposes Overtime Pay Expansion For 5 Million Americans
At a Council Bluffs, Iowa, townhall event today, Jeb! Bush denounced the recently proposed Department of Labor overtime rule that, once implemented, would…
Profile In Courage
What's Scott Walker's response to Donald Trump saying Mexicans are rapists? "He can speak for himself." Walker couldn't find the courage to…
American Bridge Releases Guides To Scott Walker's Scandals
Just a few hours into his official run, Scott Walker is already getting flak for his highly "controversial" Wisconsin state budget, and…
Pro-Ayotte Super PAC Leader Texas Two-Stepping In The Granite State
Kelly Ayotte is already running scared, calling on big money allies to put up hundreds of thousands of dollars for…
Chamber Drops Cash For Pro-Outsourcing Sens. Portman And Toomey
Chamber Drops Cash For Pro-Outsourcing Sens. Portman And Toomey Washington, D.C. -- We know why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is…
Say What? After Calling Social Security A Pyramid Scheme, Mealy Mouthed Heck Has No Answer
Congressman Joe Heck's Senate campaign got off to a rough start with Jon Ralston last night when he put on…
Ouch! Marco 'I Don't Know' Rubio Struggles Hard on FOX News
The coverage Marco Rubio was envisioning today probably didn't include a word salad non-answer about Donald Trump's outrageous comments on…
Yahoo: Bush had a 21.3% average tax rate
It turns out Jeb Bush had an average effective tax rate of 21.3 percent according to financial planner Michael Kitces on Yahoo Finance, not…
What To Expect At The Western Conservative Summit
The long road to the Republican nomination is winding through America’s highest-profile home for Illuminati and Reptoids this week with Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and more attending the Western Conservative Summit. Here’s what to expect from this weekend’s cattle call:
1. The New GOP Litmus Test: Gay Marriage
The Western Conservative Summit made news earlier this year when they barred the Log Cabin Republicans from attending their conference, but their backwards attitude towards the LGBT community won’t stop there. Summit Gala headliner Scott Walker has already doubled down on his call for a constitutional amendment, and panelist Tony Perkins went on an epic Twitter rant Friday, calling the ruling a “shocking abuse of power” and promising it would “supercharge” opposition to gay marriage. Don’t take Perkins’ word for it: Rick Santorum didn’t even wait for his speech to begin teeing off, telling Denver radio station KNUS that the ruling was the court’s attempt to be “trendy” with marriage equality and would lead to polygamy.