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Wednesday, Aug 10 2016

Profile In Courage: Rob Portman Stands Behind Donald Trump TODAY After Offensive, Violent Remarks

Donald Trump has repeatedly made offensive, racist and sexist comments throughout the campaign, but yesterday at a North Carolina rally,…

Thursday, Aug 4 2016

New Digital Ads Highlights Senate GOP's Unwavering Support For Trump

American Bridge is releasing a new digital ad campaign highlighting vulnerable GOP senate candidates' unwavering support for Donald Trump, even…

Monday, Jun 27 2016

Rob Portman Is Helping Trump Campaign In Ohio

Rob Portman isn't hedging his bets anymore -- he's all in for Donald Trump. For months, Portman tried to distance…

Tuesday, Jun 21 2016

Former McCain Adviser Predicts Economic Havoc If Trump Wins

Trump's presidency would lead to 3.5 million jobs lost and increase unemployment to 7% according to a new report. The…

Thursday, Jun 16 2016

Senator McCain's Party Of Trump Colors Are Clearer Than Ever

Today, Senator John McCain said that President Obama was "directly responsible" for the terrorist attacks in Orlando: "Senator McCain's comments…

News Wednesday, Jun 8 2016

Hewitt to Reince: Step Up And Push Trump Out

This morning, Hugh Hewitt summed up the state of Donald Trump's campaign: "The ice has formed over the river." Hewitt…

Monday, May 16 2016

Ron Johnson Is Still A Donald Trump Backer

Ron Johnson is borrowing from New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte's playbook and laughably suggesting that there's a difference "supporting" and "endorsing" Donald…

Monday, May 9 2016

Colorado Senate Candidates Clamber Aboard The Trump Train

The Republican field of United States Senate candidates in Colorado is in fierce competition to determine who is more #PartyOfTrump. As they…

Saturday, May 7 2016

Rob Portman: "I'm Supporting Donald Trump For President."

Removing any doubt about his place in the #PartyOfTrump, Senator Rob Portman made his position clear today in an interview…

Thursday, May 5 2016

WATCH: GOP’s #PartyOfTrump Hangover

GOP Chair Reince Priebus made the rounds on morning shows yesterday to assure the public that the Republican Party would…

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