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News Saturday, Feb 13 2016

GOP’s Shameful Blame Game On Poverty In South Carolina

Scores of hardworking South Carolina families struggle to make ends meet, but not one Republican presidential candidate on stage tonight offered anything resembling a viable solution to the crippling poverty that plagues much of the state. Instead, the entire GOP field chose to play a blame game, pointing fingers and shaming those in need of government assistance. The GOP has made it clear time and…

Economy Thursday, Feb 2 2012

Washington Post: Romney, Citing Safety Net, Says He’s ‘Not Concerned About The Very Poor’

On February 1, 2012, the Washington Post reported:

In an interview with CNN Wednesday morning that should have been a Florida victory lap, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney made a fumble that could give rivals an attack ad sound bite. Asked about his economic plan, Romney said repeatedly that he was not concerned with very poor Americans, but was focused instead on helping the middle class.

Taxes Thursday, Nov 3 2011

Des Moines Register: Michele Bachmann’s ‘tax the poor’ plan won’t be flat or simple

On November 3, 2011, the Des Moines Register reported:

Michele Bachmann wants everybody to pay taxes — even the poorest Americans. [...] Bachmann didn’t offer many details about her proposal, but it seemed she was suggesting she’d accomplish this through the income tax. But she didn’t explain how she’d charge an income tax on people who have no income.

News Education Health Care Sunday, Oct 9 2011

Helena IR: Rehberg in the thick of budget fray

On October 9, 2012 the Helena Independent Record reported:

As he oversees U.S. House Republicans’ draft of the federal government’s 2012 health and education budgets, Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg finds himself hip-deep in the Washington, D.C., political fray, defending a $153 billion plan that’s drawing fire from all sides. The proposal — unveiled last week — would torpedo virtually all funding for the Obama Administration’s health reform law, including additional money for community health clinics across Montana; ax federal money for two dozen family planning clinics in the state; reduce funds for Pell grants that help low-income students pay college tuition; and scale back money for home-heating assistance. Those and other cutbacks have prompted Democrats to say the “Rehberg budget” unduly targets women, families, students and workers.

Thursday, Sep 8 2011

TPM: Jon Bruning Explains Why He Compared Poor To Racoons

"When last we heard from Nebraska Attorney General Job Bruning (R), who is running for Senate, he was walking back comparisons he made between poor people on welfare and raccoons scavenging for insects. But he went on to blame “the liberal intelligentsia” for the controversy and defend the basic point. In a radio interview last month with local station KLIN, audio of which was posted Thursday by Democratic Super PAC American Bridge, Bruning said that he understands the struggles of the poor, but that his raccoon metaphor still holds up.

Economy Friday, Aug 12 2011

Lincoln Journal-Star Editorial: Bruning's Words Are An Embarrassment

Nebraska Attorney General and Republican Senate candidate Jon Bruning has had a very rough week back home. After American Bridge posted video of him comparing welfare recipients to raccoons, he has been the subject of riducule both nationally and in his back yard. Yesterday, we highlighted how Nebraska television stations reacted to the offensive blunder. POLITICO noted, "One way you can tell if an issue has really punched through is if it lands on local television newscasts. That's why Jon Bruning's comment comparing welfare recipients to raccoons matters." Today, things got worse for Bruning. The Lincoln Journal-Star published a scathing editorial titled "Bruning's words are an embarrassment." See what the Lincoln Journal-Star had to say after the jump

Economy Thursday, Aug 11 2011

Local Press Hammers Jon Bruning For Comparing Welfare Recipients To Raccoons

Over the weekend, American Bridge caught Nebraksa Attorney General and Republican Senate candidate Jon Bruning with his foot in his mouth. During a speech at Heartland Liberty Fest, Bruning compared welfare recipients to scavenging raccoons.

Not surprisingly, the offensive comments are not going over well in Nebraska. Yesterday, the Omaha World-Herald ran a front page story titled "Bruning Welfare slam draws flak." And last night, local television news stations continued to pound him over the remarks. Below you'll find just two of the many segments devoted to the flap, from NBC local affiliates WOWT in Omaha and KNOP in North Platte,  CBS affiliate KOLN in Lincoln, and Fox affiliate KPTM in Omaha.

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