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News Friday, Nov 4 2016

Joe Heck Sold Out To The Gun Lobby And It's Costing Him Big League (New Audio)

According to Public Policy Polling, Joe Heck's opposition to prohibiting terror suspects from purchasing firearms, as well as his opposition to background check legislation, is costing the congressman major support in Nevada. Heck won't abandon these unpopular positions, however, because the gun lobby is pumping big dollars into his campaign (voters don't like that either.) (Full polling memo from PPP here) The NRA is propping up Heck with…

News Climate Change Tuesday, Oct 11 2016

Joe Heck's Big Oil Koch Cash

Joe Heck's Senate campaign has received an unprecedented level of support from the Koch brothers' political machine, including over $7 million in…

News Thursday, Apr 14 2016

Reminder: Blunt Still Receiving Unethical Support From Cable Companies Son Represents

Senator Roy Blunt will spend the evening with one of his favorite companies with special interests. Blunt is set to…

News Tuesday, Feb 9 2016

??For Mardi Gras, AB21 Presents the Krewe of Fat Cats? ?

Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday", is a time of excess, revelry, and celebration. These GOP Senators are backing special interests…

News Thursday, Jan 28 2016

Portman's Priorities: Special Interests, Not Ohio Seniors

Over his last twenty years in Washington, Rob Portman has supported anti-Social Security and anti-Medicare policies. Portman's earned benefits cuts would benefit large…

The Wire Rick Scott Wednesday, May 21 2014

Rick Scott: Good for Special Interests, Bad for Florida

Last week, Rick Scott hastily approved Florida Power & Light (FPL)'s bid to build two new nuclear plants in South Florida. That means massive new transmission towers and power lines, which, as described by CBS Miami, "are not at all typical. Most of the 88 miles of poles would rise the equivalent of ten to fifteen stories high with the girth of a big oak tree. Needless to say, many residents from the affected area were outraged, claiming that in addition to the aesthetic nightmare, this will damage property values and the environment. But per usual, Rick Scott was more concerned with special interests than his constituents. The Miami Herald reported that FPL has given "nearly $3 million to the campaigns of the governor, the Cabinet and the Republican Party of Florida." Scott has taken a beating in the local press. See for yourself in American Bridge's new video above.

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