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Thursday, Jan 9 2014

American Bridge NJ OPRA Request

Given the clear evidence that Governor Christie's staff were using personal email accounts to conduct official business American Bridge believes that under New Jersey's Open Public Records Act (OPRA) those emails should now be made available to the public. These personal email accounts are crucial not just for getting to the bottom of this bridge scandal but to know if Christie's office was using similar tactics and bullying to reward or target other supporters or opponents. If Chris Christie is truly interested in the public knowing the truth about these shameful actions he should ensure that his office immediately, and fully, comply with this request. A redacted version of American Bridge's OPRA request is below.
NJ GOV Personal Emails Final_Redacted

Thursday, Jan 9 2014

Emails Contradict Christie's Samson Claims

During today’s press conference, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie claimed that David Samson, Christie’s appointee as Port Authority Chairman, had convinced Christie that he had “absolutely no knowledge” of the politically-motivated lane closures brought to light on January 8th in emails from Christie’s top staffers. However, in those same emails, former Port Authority official David Wildstein assured Christie’s Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly “Samson helping us to retaliate.” The ominous message suggests that further exploration of what Christie and his top officials knew, and when, is warranted. David Wildstein Emailed Bridget Anne Kelly That David Samson, Chairman Of The Port Authority, Would Help Them Retaliate. According to the email from David Wildstein to Bridget Anne Kelly on September 13, 2013 “The New York side gave Fort Lee back all three lanes this morning. Samson helping us to retaliate.” [Email, 9/13/13; viewed via New York Times, 1/8/14] Christie Interviewed Port Authority Chairman David Samson, Said He Was "Convinced That He Had Absolutely No Knowledge Of This." During a press conference on January 9, 2014, Christie said: "I think General Samson put out a statement yesterday that he had no knowledge of this. I interviewed him yesterday. He was one of my interviews. I am convinced that he had absolutely no knowledge of this, that this was executed at the operational level and never brought to the attention of the Board of Commissioners until Chairman Foye wrote his email - or Executive Director Foye wrote his email to the Board of Commissioners. And so I sat and met for two hours yesterday with Mr. Sampson - General Sampson - and again, I'm confident that he had no knowledge of this, based upon our conversations and his review of the information. So I think, you know, as he said yesterday, he is angered by this and upset about it, and I know that he's going to lead - cooperate with the OIG investigation that's ongoing and lead a discussion at the Port Authority about what could be done in the future to stop such conduct." [Chris Christie, Official Press Conference, 1/9/14]

Thursday, May 23 2013

Take The Quiz: Rep. Gary Miller Or A Bluth?

WASHINGTON – There’s always money in the banana stand government land. At least, that seems to be the case for Rep. Gary Miller (CA-31). His actions may fall short of light treason, but Miller’s shady real estate deals are still reminiscent of a certain California family. Theirs is the story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together. His is the story of a real estate development family, and their favorite son who made no choices but to make them rich together. American Bridge wonders if you can tell the difference, at

Thursday, Oct 4 2012

NEW VIDEO: Josh Mandel, The No-Show Treasurer

WASHINGTON - On the heels of a report yesterday showing that Josh Mandel has skipped every meeting in his first year in office of eight boards on which he sits, American Bridge today is releasing a new video entitled “Josh Mandel, the No-Show Treasurer.” In Mandel’s second year in office, he has attended a grand total of seven Board of Deposit meetings, which he only started attending after the AP noted his absence. He has still not attended a single meeting of any of the other seven boards.

News Taxes Saturday, Sep 22 2012

MEMO: What’s Romney Hiding?

To: Interested Parties From: Rodell Mollineau, President of American Bridge 21st Century Date: 9/22/2012 RE: What’s Romney hiding with his tax summary?

Mitt Romneys inexplicable choice to release a minimal summary of his past twenty years of federal income tax returns only serves to confirm that there must be something so toxic to his candidacy in those returns that it seemed strategically sound to release a short briefing in September after questions had been raised for nearly a year.
American Bridge previously presented a list of things that Mitt Romney could be hiding, but below are just three of the biggest questions raised by Friday’s incomplete disclosure.

Thursday, Aug 23 2012

Josh Mandel Refusing to Comply with Ohio Open Records Law

WASHINGTON – American Bridge 21st Century is calling on Ohio Treasurer and Senate candidate Josh Mandel to comply with Ohio open records law after our requests have gone ignored for months. American Bridge has submitted two simple requests nine and ten weeks ago for which we have received no information or even an acknowledgment. We contend that Mandel is now in violation of the law for failing to respond in a reasonable amount of time. Mandel’s office has been in the news lately for his failure to comply with these types of requests despite claiming in the press to support transparency and compliance with the federal Freedom of Information Act. “This is yet another example of Josh Mandel making verifiably false statements to the press while failing to comply with the simplest of duties,” said Matt Thornton, spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century. “Mandel’s entire justification for running for Senate is his supposed expert management of the Treasurer’s office -- a job he is obviously neglecting.”

News Taxes Tuesday, Aug 14 2012

VIDEO: Romney's Cayman Daydream

Wonder what was going through Mitt Romney's head when Paul Ryan went off script and bashed tax shelters for the wealthy during their 60 Minutes interview? American Bridge president Rodell Mollineau said, "Paul Ryan is off to a rough start, and not just because he's less popular than Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney. In one simple thought, Ryan both embarrassed Mitt Romney and spouted falsehoods about the Republicans' agenda. In truth, the Romney-Ryan plan not only fails to eliminate loopholes and giveaways, it places a heavy burden on the middle class by lowering tax rates for multimillionaires like Mitt Romney to less than 1%."

Tuesday, Aug 7 2012

Rob Portman's Foreign Agent Registration Form

Rob Portman’s Foreign Agent Registration Form, with which he registered as an agent of the dictatorship of Haiti and Sultanate of Oman: Portman Foreign Agent Registration Form

News Taxes Tuesday, Jul 17 2012

MEMO: Questions Romney Can Clear Up With His Tax Returns

TO: Interested Parties FROM: Rodell Mollineau, American Bridge 21st Century DATE: July 16, 2012 RE: Questions Romney can clear up with his tax returns Mitt Romney has been trying very hard to run out the clock on this campaign without providing a complete and accurate picture of his finances. He has released his returns for 2010 and [whatever he releases], but that does not provide a full accounting of his financial priorities and practices. For example, from his limited release to this point, very serious questions need to be answered about his offshore holdings, trusts, and ongoing profit from his private equity career. He is also taking great pains to distance himself from his involvement with Bain Capital post-February 1999, but yet refuses to release his tax returns over that period which would prove his veracity on the subject. Romney’s father started the tradition of releasing his taxes by providing 12 years. Romney himself provided 23 years of taxes when he was being vetted for the vice presidential slot under McCain (and losing out to Sarah Palin). So, it should be easy for Romney to put a number of questions to rest by simply providing the public with his income taxes just as he provided them to John McCain. Here are the questions that could be easily answered through a full and transparent disclosure.

News Taxes Monday, Jul 16 2012

MEMO: Questions Romney Can Clear Up With His Tax Returns

TO: Interested Parties FROM: Rodell Mollineau, American Bridge 21st Century DATE: July 16, 2012 RE: Questions Romney can clear up with his tax returns Mitt Romney has been trying very hard to run out the clock on this campaign without providing a complete and accurate picture of his finances. He has released his returns for 2010 and [whatever he releases], but that does not provide a full accounting of his financial priorities and practices. For example, from his limited release to this point, very serious questions need to be answered about his offshore holdings, trusts, and ongoing profit from his private equity career. He is also taking great pains to distance himself from his involvement with Bain Capital post-February 1999, but yet refuses to release his tax returns over that period which would prove his veracity on the subject. Romney’s father started the tradition of releasing his taxes by providing 12 years. Romney himself provided 23 years of taxes when he was being vetted for the vice presidential slot under McCain (and losing out to Sarah Palin). So, it should be easy for Romney to put a number of questions to rest by simply providing the public with his income taxes just as he provided them to John McCain. Read the full memo after the jump.

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