Where In The World Is Connie Mack The Fourth?
Well, he jets around the country asking millionaires for money
Running for the Senate to spend more time in DC
Thought he represented Florida, but chills in Cali with his honey
Where in the world is Connie Mack the Fourth?
$1,000 luncheons when he drops by New York City
Strike it rich at the Petroleum Club and everything's OK
Pass the 10-gallon hat at his Dallas, Texas soiree
Where in the world is Connie Mack the Fourth?
Research after the jump.
VIDEO: Josh Mandel: Ohio’s Artful Dodger
Washington DC - Josh Mandel has been developing quite the reputation for dodging questions, refusing to take positions, and flat-out lying as he campaigns for the Senate. In addition to our previously released video highlighting Mandel’s refusal to comment on the FBI investigation into his campaign contributions, American Bridge is releasing a video of Mandel dodging yet another question: why did he start running for the Senate just after taking office as Ohio Treasurer? Spoiler alert: despite talking for a very long time, he never answers the question.
Gary Miller “Comments” On His Record
After raw footage of Gary Miller campaign ad outtakes surfaced on the internet, American Bridge decided to have a little fun at his expense. Check out Miller “reacting” to questions about his ethical lapses and shady real estate deals.
POLITICO: Santorum Clings To Team Of Pals
On March 12, 2012, POLITICO reported:
“Every day we track as the Romney campaign touts endorsement after endorsement from lobbyists. So for the Santorum campaign to not fight back and show that Romney’s attacks are totally hypocritical is asinine,” said Ty Matsdorf, senior adviser at the oppo-slinging Democratic independent group American Bridge. “If it was malpractice for Gingrich to take four months to fight back against Romney’s Fannie/Freddie attacks, this is even worse because given how weak Romney is, with a little bit better of an organization Santorum would be cruising to the nomination.”
Huffington Post: Josh Mandel Senate Campaign Aides Block Democratic Trackers
On March 9, 2012, the Huffington Post reported:
When Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel (R) formally kicked off his Senate campaign earlier this month, a scuffle in the back of the room drew attention away from him. A Mandel aide was using his hands, body, head and hair to block a state Democratic Party employee from filming Mandel as he spoke and gladhanded around the room. The practice of taping opponents' public comments, known as tracking, is common but some in Ohio said Mandel's campaign is the "most aggressive" in blocking it.
Akron Beacon Journal: State Treasurer Announces He’s Running For U.S. Senate
On March 1, 2012, the Akron Beacon Journal reported:
During a nearly hourlong appearance, Mandel’s staff tried to obstruct the view of two people shooting video of the candidate’s public address, Cohen said. One camera belonged to American Bridge 21st Century, a self-proclaimed Democratic-leaning political action committee. The organization’s president, Rodell Mollineau, said his group tracks Mandel’s events and are regularly obstructed at public events. It was Cohen who noticed the Mandel staffers putting paper in front of the lenses. He said he asked them to stop, and they obliged. “It is Akron Press Club policy and tradition that anybody who wants to record audio or video is free to do so,” Cohen said afterward. “We’re the Press Club, after all. We’re all about free speech and free press. We would protect [Mandel’s] rights just as strenuously.”
Josh Mandel's Series Of Unfortunate Events
Despite starting his Senate campaign just weeks after taking office as Ohio's Treasurer, Josh Mandel is making his campaign "official" at the Akron Press Club today - an event he initially refused to attend because he was "too busy." The story of his campaign to this point has been nothing but embarrassing; here is a look back at some of his greatest hits:
- Mandel "Aggressively Worked" Fundraising And Speaking Tours As State Treasurer While Office Schedule Was Neglected. [AP, 1/14/12]
- Mandel's First Senate Campaign Flight Occurred Less Than One Month After Taking Office As State Treasurer. [AP, 1/14/12]
- February 2012: Mandel Skipped 14th Consecutive Board Of Deposit Meeting, Still Failed To Attend A Single Meeting Since Taking Office. [Columbus Dispatch, 2/23/12]
- Mandel Disclosed His Personal Finances 177 Days Late. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 11/4/11; Mandel Personal Financial Disclosure]
- Mandel Released Official Schedules, Did Not Include Out-Of-State Fundraising Trips. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1/20/12]
- Mandel Attack On Sherrod Brown Rated "Pants On Fire" By PolitiFact. [PolitiFact Ohio, 11/18/11]
Reuters: Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide records
On December 6. 2011, Reuters reported:
Mitt Romney spent nearly $100,000 in state funds to replace computers in his office at the end of his term as governor of Massachusetts in 2007 as part of an unprecedented effort to keep his records secret, Reuters has learned. The move during the final weeks of Romney's administration was legal but unusual for a departing governor, Massachusetts officials say. The effort to purge the records was made a few months before Romney launched an unsuccessful campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008. He is again competing for the party's nomination, this time to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency in 2012.