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Women’s Issues

The Wire Thursday, Aug 14 2014

VIDEO: Mike Coffman Forgets What Birth Control Is (Literally)

Oh boy. In today's CO-6 congressional debate, Republican Mike Coffman had quite the Rick Perry moment when he made an…

News Monday, Jun 23 2014

Cory Gardner "Discovers" Women's Rights

Last week, Cory Gardner penned an op-ed in support of over-the-counter birth control. What he didn't mention in the op-ed…

The Wire Monday, Jun 2 2014

What WASN'T In Rick Scott's Budget Speaks Volumes

Rick Scott signed his record-breaking budget today, packed with taxpayer handouts to special interests. But perhaps what is even worse than what's in his budget is what isn't. The Scott budget did nothing to increase Florida's minimum wage and give a raise to hardworking Florida families trying to get by. Not surprising, considering even the thought of raising the minimum wage makes Rick Scott cringe. His budget did nothing to expand Medicaid, as over 750,000 Floridians, including 41,000 veterans, continue to be denied health care. And his budget did nothing to guarantee equal pay for women in the Sunshine State. Budgets are an embodiment of priorities, and Rick Scott's priorities are clear: Special interests first. Florida last. Check out the graphics below: ScottBudgetEqualPay ScottBudgetMedicaid ScottBudgetMinWage

News Tuesday, Dec 10 2013

How to Talk to Women: A GOP Training Video

In an admission that today's GOP is stuck in the past, Washington Republicans apparently find it necessary to tutor fellow GOPers on how to run for office without offending female voters and/or opponents. While searching over the weekend, American Bridge researchers uncovered* a secret Republican training video seemingly used to teach GOP officials what not to say about women and their health care. (*just kidding, we made this)

The Wire Thursday, Oct 24 2013

Cuccinelli clings to Tea Party extremism in final debate

At tonight's debate, Ken Cuccinelli returned to his roots by embracing the extreme agenda of the Tea Party at every turn. Virginians are seeking a mainstream leader to boost the Commonwealth's economy and create jobs, so it's no surprise that voters are rejecting a candidate who made a name for himself by waging unpopular fights to further his extreme agenda. After three debates, voters know who Cuccinelli is and what he stands for:

When you stack up that extreme record next to the mainstream, bipartisan approach of Terry McAuliffe, it's easy to see why Virginians are rejecting Ken Cuccinelli.

News Tuesday, Oct 15 2013 — The extreme voices that support and advise Cuccinelli

We already know that if you’re a fan of public pools, birth control, or oral sex, you’re not welcome in Ken Cuccinelli’s Virginia. So who does that leave?

Meet Ken Cuccinelli’s cabinet.

These are the extreme voices that support and advise Cuccinelli, the Tea Partiers he looks up to in nearby Washington, and the guy Ken turns to when he wants to vacation at a lake house. Look at his closest allies, and you see Cuccinelli’s vision for a radically different Virginia.


News Thursday, Oct 10 2013

Let's get real: Cuccinelli opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest

Tonight at the University of Richmond, a flailing Ken Cuccinelli once again attempted to deceive voters about his extreme social views. During the forum, Cuccinelli claimed to have supported public funding of abortions "in the case of rape, incest or life of the mother." That's simply not true. In fact, regardless of whether publicly funded or not, Cuccinelli has opposed any abortion in all instances -- including rape, incest and health of the mother -- that "are not for the purpose of saving the mother's life." Don't take our word for it, though. Look at the 2002 version of Capture

News Tuesday, Oct 8 2013

NEW VIDEO: Cuccinelli/Jackson on Women's & Reproductive Health

Last night, State. Sen. Dick Black was a special guest at a Leesburg fundraiser for Ken Cuccinelli. As you know, Black caused jaws to drop when he made headlines earlier this year for comparing abortion to the Holocaust on the floor of the Senate.

News Wednesday, Sep 25 2013

WEB AD: "What I Campaign On Is What I Pursue" – We're not buying it.

"People can look at my record and see that what I campaign on is what I pursue." That's what Ken Cuccinelli said during tonight's debate. That's right, the same person who famously bragged about lying to the press about his past campaigns is once again trying to deceive voters about his extreme agenda. Here's our post-debate online ad showing Cuccinelli’s cynical history of deceiving voters by pretending to address important issues like jobs or transportation. Cuccinelli himself has admitted on multiple occasions that no matter what issues he talks about publicly, his main focus will always be instituting his extreme social agenda.

News Wednesday, Sep 25 2013

Bridge Briefs for tonight's VA-Gov debate

In preparation for tonight's Gubernatorial debate between Terry McAuliffe and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, American Bridge released the following Bridge Briefs:

Cuccinelli’s Anti-Woman Record  Cuccinelli, Personhood & Birth Control  Cuccinelli’s Anti-Gay Views & Statements  Cuccinelli’s Disastrous Tax Plan  Cuccinelli’s Opposition to Bipartisan Transportation Plan

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