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News Monday, Oct 13 2014

The Company You Keep… Allen West Endorses Joni Ernst

Oct 13, 2014

You can tell a lot about a person by the people they associate themselves with. For Joni Ernst, her cavalry just got even more extreme.
Ernst has already credited the Koch brothers with starting her trajectory, said she was “flattered’ to be compared to Sarah Palin, trumpeted Glenn Beck’s conspiracy theory, and now she’s earned the adoration of Allen West, who just cut this spot endorsing her.

In case you’re not familiar with Allen West, here are a couple of lovely quotes that highlight his worldview, though this is just the tip of the iceberg:

  • “When I see anyone with an Obama bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”
  • “So I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the Underground Railroad away from that plantation [of the Democratic Party]”
  • On Social Security benefits: “So once again we are creating the sense of economic dependence which, to me is a form of modern, 21st-century slavery.”

Allen West. Sarah Palin. The Koch Brothers. Glenn Beck. Joni Ernst. #TeamExtreme

Extreme Rhetoric

West: If I Become a “Bombastic Radical, I’m Not Going to Get Anywhere.” According to Roll Call, “There have, however, been challenges, particularly as the excitement of a campaign became the struggle to govern. West has been forced to adapt to his new surroundings – a skill he says developed in the Army – to become relevant in a system that rewards loyalty and experience, not the anti-establishment fervor that helped him and other GOP freshmen win elections across the nation in 2010. ‘If I come up here and become, as many people thought, the flame-throwing, bombastic radical, I’m not going to get anywhere. I’ll be relegated to a corner and I will be made irrelevant,’ he says. ‘The prudent commander is very smart and is able to adapt very quickly and show flexibility on the battlefield. Washington, D.C., is a battlefield.’” [Roll Call, 6/6/11]

Criticism of Obama

West Compared Obama to a “Third-World Dictator.” In April 2011, Mediate reviewed West’s remarks on the Laura Ingraham’s radio show. According to Mediate, “Yet West was just warming up, next turning his focus to Obama’s deficit speech performance: ‘What you continue to see is a third world dictator-like arrogance, that’s what I saw in that speech last week. And look, Laura, to borrow a phrase from Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the chickens are coming home to roost. … This whole talk about shared prosperity I mean that really gives me the goosebumps because I’m starting to believe that a community organizer is nothing but a low-level socialist agitator.’” [Mediate,4/19/11]

VIDEO: West Told President Obama to “Get the Hell Out of the United States.” In January 2012, West spoke at the GOP’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Palm Beach’s Kravis Center. West said, “This is a battlefield that we must stand upon. And we need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee [Debbie Wasserman Schultz], we need to let them know Florida ain’t on the table. Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.” During a standing ovation, West added, “Yeah, I said ‘hell.’” [Mother Jones, 1/30/12; YouTube, uploaded1/28/12]

  • VIDEO: West Said He was Only Describing a Generation Decline in the Opportunity in the U.S., Said Critics Should Listen to the Entire Speech. In January 2012, West went on CNN to defend his comments. According to Politico, “‘I don’t get it. I mean, I don’t understand what you’re saying, you’re telling Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to get out of the United States?’ CNN’s Soledad O’Brien asked the Florida Republican. ‘No, Soledad. Soledad, absolutely not. And you know that,’ West began, to which O’Brien insisted, ‘No, I truly, no joke, I’m not being facetious. I don’t get what you’re saying.’ […] On Tuesday, Allen said O’Brien should have listened to the entire speech, noting that he was simply trying to draw attention to the decline of a country that had once allowed a young man born in the inner city of Atlanta like himself to become a U.S. congressman. ‘That’s the America the America that I love. That’s the America that’s dear to me. Not the America where people sitting far away in Washington, D.C., get to decide the winners and the losers in a free-market place, or decide who pays a fair share,’ he said. ‘That’s not American values, that’s not in concert with our constitutional republic.’ He added, ‘And if you can’t understand that, please come down to South Florida, you and I can read the Federalist Papers.’” [Politico, 1/31/12; Mediate, 1/31/12; YouTube, uploaded 2/1/12]

West Wrote in Constituent Newsletter: “When I See Anyone with an Obama Bumper Sticker, I Recognize Them as a Threat to the Gene Pool.” In July 2011, Michael Putney wrote an op-ed, “West, for example, recently wrote in his constituent newsletter: ‘When I see anyone with an Obama bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.’ Granted, the line on fair comment keeps moving, but that one crosses it.” [The Miami Herald Op-Ed, 7/26/11]

VIDEO: West: President Obama was a “Low-Level Socialist Agitator. According to The New York Times, “There was his [West’s] recent observation that liberal women ‘have been neutering American men,’ and that the president of the United States is a ‘low-level socialist agitator.’” [The New York Times, 4/29/11; ThinkProgress,4/22/11; YouTube, uploaded 4/22/11]

West Called President Obama “The Dumbest Person Walking Around Right Now.” According to The Washington Post, “A self-described ‘right-wing extremist,’ West is a tea party favorite who has denied Islam is a religion and who once called President Obama ‘the dumbest person walking around right now.’ West became a national cause celebre for conservatives when he was forced to retire from the Army in 2003 for presiding over the brutal interrogation of an Iraqi police officer who West wrongly believed had threatened to kill him.” [The Washington Post, 1/5/11]

  • West Could Not Remember Comment’s Context, But Said the Comment’s Context Probably Justified It. In January 2011, NPR’s Michel Martin interviewed West. From the transcript: “MARTIN: You know, to the question of civility, though, you are quoted as having said that President Obama is one of the dumbest people, the dumbest person walking around right now. Did you really say that? Rep. WEST: Well, I don’t know at what time that I said it, but maybe there was some type of decision that he had made that I thought was a very dumb decision. I will tell you this. I think that when you go back and you look at the fact that we’re involved in two combat operations and multiple other type of skirmishes, the fact that we almost have a third world war brewing south of the border, the most important issue was not ‘dont ask, don’t tell.’ I think that when you look at the rules of engagement, when you look at what type of strategic goals and objectives that we’re going to have in Afghanistan to lead toward victory, those are the type of things that leaders, that principled leaders, visionary leaders are focused on. So there have been some dumb decisions that have come out of this administration and as well out of this Congress.” [NPR Transcript, 1/5/11]

Communists in the U.S. House

West’s Statement
VIDEO: West Said 78 To 81 House Democrats Were Communist Party Members. In April 2012, West was asked “What percentage of the American legislature do you think are card-carrying Marxists or International Socialist?” West responded, “It’s a good question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party. It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.” [Huffington Post,4/11/12; YouTube, uploaded 4/11/12]

  • Politifact Rated West’s Communist Remark “Pants on Fire.” In April 2012, Politifact rated West’s statement that 80 House Democrats were Communists as “Pants on Fire.” Politifact wrote, “West said ‘I believe it’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party are members of the Communist Party.’ West said he was referring to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and that the Communist Party has publicly referred to the Progressive Caucus as its ally. But just because the Communist Party has spoken positively about the Progressive Caucus doesn’t mean that the Democrats in that Caucus are communists. Heck, West has often pointed out that he and U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich — a liberal Democrat from Ohio — agreed on a resolution calling for withdrawing from Libya. That doesn’t make West a Democrat. West is using guilty by association here, and has failed to prove that any member of Congress is a communist. Pants on Fire!” [Politifact, 4/10/12]

West Defended Remark

West Said He Did Not Regret Communist Remark. According to ABC News, “Rep. Allen West has no regrets over calling up to 81 of his fellow members of the House of Representatives ‘communists’ last week. Responding to a question about his comments, the Florida Republican doubled down on his accusation, saying that instead of calling themselves ‘communist,’ they now call themselves ‘progressive.’ ‘No, I don’t regret it whatsoever,’ West told reporters at a news conference Tuesday. ‘I’m not going to back down. I’m not going to be afraid about the fact that I called a spade a spade. That’s my responsibility to the American people.’” [ABC News, 4/18/12]

Congressional Email: West Said He Was “Pleased” With the Response to His Communist Remark. In April 2012, West wrote in his eNewsletter from his congressional office, “As you may be aware, much has been made of my recent response to a question from a constituent and assertion regarding so-called ‘communists’ in the Congressional Progressive Caucus. I am pleased it has inspired so much passionate debate, for that was precisely the point. When I was studying for my Masters degrees in political science at Kansas State University and at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff Officer College, the very best professors were those who would begin each lecture with a challenging assertion. It engaged discussion and analysis, and was the best way to uncover the essence of the particular subject of the day. As Americans, we must bring to the forefront a fundamental discussion of what we want our country to be like 10 years, 20 years, and 100 years from now.” [West Congressional eNewsletter, 4/23/12]

Congressional Email: West Said the Terms “Socialist” and “Communist” Have Been Replaced With “Progressive.” In April 2012, West wrote in his eNewsletter from his congressional office, “You may call this what you wish. The esteemed constitutional scholar and author, Mark Levin, calls it ‘statism.’ In our lifetime, the unpalatable and pejorative brands ‘socialist’ and ‘communist’ have been replaced with the more user-friendly ‘progressive.’ But this is not a discussion about labels. It is a discussion far more important and grave, for it affects our nation’s future, our security, and the lives of each and every one of us.” [West Congressional eNewsletter,4/23/12]

VIDEO: CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Confronted West Over Communist Remark, Demanded He Name Names, Which West Declined to Do. In April 2012, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien confronted West over his communist remark. Mediaite transcribed the encounter: “So name names for me,” O’Brien said. “Start naming the 78 to 81…” “Oh, we don’t have to…” West countered. “Oh, we do! I’m dying to know,” O’Brien pressed. “Which are the members of the…” “You can go look up the progressive caucus…” interrupted West. “I got ‘em right here!” O’Brien interjected — and seemingly out of thin air pulled out a list of the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “When then you’ve got the names,” West said. “So Keith Ellison is a communist?” asked O’Brien. “Raúl Grijalva is a communist?” “Well, look, I’m just talking about the fact that the ideology and principles — you can call it whatever you want…” “Tammy Baldwin is a communist? Judy Chu is a communist?” O’Brien continued. “You can call it whatever you want,” West replied. “Yeah, but I want to know what you’re calling it,” O’Brien said. “I’m calling it this,”West clarified. “Communist, progressive, Marxist, statist, another term being used. I’m looking at things they believe in. If you don’t think we have to stand upon truth and be able to identify and clearly contrast the different principles and values and ideologies of governance here in this country, then we’re never going to get to the fact of accepting the true debate happening in America. We don’t need a bureaucratic nanny state. We need to stay a Constitutional Republic. I think a lot of people need to study that and understand what it is.” O’Brien then read a statement from the Vice Chairman of the National Communist Party who said West was wrong for calling his colleagues communists. “I don’t care what he says,” West said bluntly. [Mediaite, 4/19/12]

Press Criticism

TCPalm Editorial Said West’s Communist Comment Exemplified Why Congress Had Low Approval Ratings, Called West’s Comment a “New Low.” In April 2012, TCPalm criticized West’s communists accusation in an editorial, writing, “West’s shoot-from-the-lip declaration illustrates why Congress’ approval rating remains at historic lows. Stereotyping political rivals has long been a popular political strategy. However, we appear to have reached a new low today. Bombastic statements, like West’s, are brandished to energize the base and rally supporters. And judging from many of the letters we’ve received on the issue, it has been successful. […] But this is no laughing matter. Unless Congressman West can provide evidence to support his bombastic accusations, he needs to hold his tongue.” [TCPalm Editorial, 4/20/12]
Chicago Tribune Columnist Wrote Obituary for “Facts,” 360 BC – 2012 AD, Said West Killed “Facts” With Comment on Progressive Caucus Communists. In April 2012, Rex W. Huppke, a Chicago Tribune columnist, wrote a satirical piece saying West killed “Facts” with his comment that as may 81 House members were communists. From the piece, “A quick review of the long and illustrious career of Facts reveals some of the world’s most cherished absolutes: Gravity makes things fall down; 2 + 2 = 4; the sky is blue. […] To the shock of most sentient beings, Facts died Wednesday, April 18, after a long battle for relevancy with the 24-hour news cycle, blogs and the Internet. Though few expected Facts to pull out of its years-long downward spiral, the official cause of death was from injuries suffered last week when Florida Republican Rep. Allen West steadfastly declared that as many as 81 of his fellow members of theU.S. House of Representatives are communists. Facts held on for several days after that assault — brought on without a scrap of evidence or reason — before expiring peacefully at its home in a high school physics book. Facts was 2,372.” [Chicago Tribune Columnist, 4/19/12]

Tampa Bay Times Columnist: West Channeling His “Inner Joe McCarthy” with Communist Comments.Tampa Bay Times columnist Daniel Ruth wrote in April 2012, “Do you suspect it’s possible that Rep. Allen West, R-Tailgunner Joe, has retained the expert services of Ozzie Guillen to hone his well-crafted image as a dolt? If Westkeeps this up, it’s only a matter of time before the congressman accuses the College of Cardinals of having ties to Havana because of the red zucchettos the cardinals wear. Better not to encourage him. The Grand Inquisitor of the tea party was holding forth at a town hall meeting in Jensen Beach this week when one of the pitchfork attendees asked him to estimate how many fellow members of Congress are card-carrying Marxists or International Socialists, as opposed to domestic Socialists. West could have answered, ‘Sir, one of the downsides of holding public office is having silly twits like you as a constituent.’ Instead, the Cotton Mather of Fort Lauderdale responded with absolute certainty: ‘I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party.’ Who knew? West was channeling his inner Joe McCarthy: ‘I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card-carrying members of or certainly loyal to the Communist Party.’” [Tampa Bay Times Columnist, 4/13/12]

Harriet Tubman Remark

VIDEO: West: I’m a “Modern-Day Harriet Tubman” Leading Blacks Away from the “Plantation” of the Democratic Party. According to The National Journal, “West on Wednesday said : ‘You have this 21st-century plantation that has been out there. Where the Democrat Party has forever taken the black vote for granted, and you have established certain black leaders who are nothing more than the overseers of that plantation. And now the people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected, and their concerns are not cared about,’ West said. ‘So I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the Underground Railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.’ West said that Democrats’ ‘social-welfare policies’ have failed.” [The National Journal, 8/18/11; O’Reilly Factor, Crooks and Liars Blog, 8/18/11]

Nazi Rhetoric

West’s Statement

December 2011: West: Nazi Propagandist Joseph Goebbels Would be “Very Proud of the Democrat Party, Because They Have an Incredible Propaganda Machine.” According to Sun-Sentinel, “More than a half-dozen Democratic congressional lawmakers, along with two national Jewish organizations and others, have harshly criticized U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, for invoking infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels ‘to attack’ Democrats. In a recent statement in the House, West blamed reports of public disaffection with Congressional Republicans on propaganda promoted by Democrats. ‘If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine,’ West told reporters in the House. Let’s be honest, you know, some of the people in the media are complicit with this and enabling them to get that type of message out.’” [Sun-Sentinel, 12/29/11; Politico, 12/16/11]

West: Members of the Media Are Complicit in the Democrats’ Goebbels-Like “Propaganda Machine.”According to Politico, “In an exchange with reporters in the House speakers lobby on Thursday afternoon, Westinvoked the Nazis again. ‘If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine,’ West said. ‘Let’s be honest, you know, some of the people in the media are complicit with this and enabling them to get that type of message out.’” [Politico, 12/16/11]

West Defended His Remarks

West Stood by Comments, Denied They were a Reference to the Holocaust or the Nazi Party. According to Sun-Sentinel, “However, in a telephone interview with the Jewish Journal, West said he stands by his comment. ‘I don’t think I misspoke,’ West said. ‘The media has a tendency to sensationalize everything. I was not making reference to Nazis or the Holocaust. It’s just another opportunity for people to attack me. ‘My record for supporting Israel is well known in the South Florida community,’ West noted. ‘This [controversy] is more political than anything else.’” [Sun-Sentinel, 12/29/11]

West Wrote Note on Congressional Stationary Defending Goebbels Remark. According to Politico, “In a handwritten note to a fellow lawmaker, Rep. Allen West reiterated his charge that Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels would ‘truly be proud’ of the ‘Democrat Party’ because of its use of ‘lies and deceit,’ escalating an already tense battle over his use of Nazi comparisons. On Thursday, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the most senior black lawmaker in Congress, wrote to West, one of two black freshmen on the Republican side, to say that he was disappointed in a remark that West had made to reporters earlier in the day. […] West returned fire later Thursdayin a note embossed with his name and a congressional seal. ‘Mr. Conyers, The Democrat Party does indeed have a vicious propaganda machine. It espouses lies and deceit and the Master of deceptive information would truly be proud,’ West said, referring to Goebbels. ‘I have been personally attacked and denigrated on countless occasions. I do not appreciate your letter … Truth is Powerful Sir! Steadfast & Loyal, Allen.’” [Politico, 12/16/11]

Criticism from Jewish Groups

Anti-Defamation League Criticized West. According to Sun-Sentinel, “The remark brought a barrage of outrage, with some demanding that West apologize for his statement. ‘This is not the first time that Rep. West has evoked an offensive Holocaust analogy,’ Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida regional director said in a statement. ‘In August 2010, West made an inappropriate Holocaust analogy, and ADL strongly urged West to repudiate his remarks and to prospectively refrain from making Nazi references or comparisons. ‘By having recently made yet another offensive Holocaust comparison, West has shown that he is still capable of trivializing and diminishing the memory of the millions of Jews and others who perished as a result of the Nazi war machine,’ he said.” [Sun-Sentinel, 12/29/11]

American Jewish Committee Criticized West. According to Sun-Sentinel, “American Jewish Committee Executive Director David Harris concurred. ‘To make a linkage between any mainstream political party in the United States and the heinous atrocities committed by the Third Reich should be simply beyond the pale, whatever political differences may arise in a heated electoral season,’ he said. ‘By invoking the image of Joseph Goebbels and the Gestapo, Representative West has displayed a complete lack of understanding of the worst genocidal era in human history, Harris noted. ‘Moreover, he has diminished and trivialized the unique evil perpetrated by the Third Reich through his un-fortunate use of language.’” [Sun-Sentinel, 12/29/11]

Extreme Statements on Islam

West Called Islam a “Totalitarian, Theocratic, Political Ideology.” The Broward-Palm Beach Times quotedWest as saying “A nation goes to war against an ideology. We are against something that is a totalitarian, theocratic, political ideology, and it is called Islam.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times, 5/10/11] 

  • West Said He was Talking About an Ideology, Not a Religion, Not Muslims. In May 2011, Westexplained his comment by saying, “I’m talking about an ideology; I’m not talking about a religion. I’m talking about an ideology that, if you study the evolution of it, is totalitarian in nature. […]This is one thing that’s very interesting, how the people on the left always talk about separation of church and state. When you look at the theocracies all across the Middle East, where we look at constitutions that are based upon the Qur’an, I don’t think you want to see that happening in the United States of America. So it is a theocratic political construct.”  When asked “But you separate it from people who are Muslims?” West explained, “I never talk about Muslims. I talk about an ideology,” adding “I think it is very separate because I’m talking about a thought process as opposed to an individual. I’m talking about something that people believe in as opposed to an individual making a decision.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times, 5/10/11]

VIDEO: West, in Context of Commentary on Profiling of the American-Muslim Community, Said The U.S. Should Not Be Recalcitrant in Identifying the “Enemy.” In April 2012, Fox News aired a piece stating the FBI removed 876 pages from its training manual, most of which, according to the anchor, related to insensitivity to the Muslim and American-Muslim community. West commented, “Well, I think we have to understand that when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it will lead to cultural suicide. And we should not allow the Muslim Brotherhood, associated groups, to be influencing our national security policy.” The anchor asked “Do you believe they are?” and West responded, “Oh, absolutely,” citing the military’s report on the 2009 Fort Hood Shootings, which West claimed made no reference to the religion of the shooting’s sole suspect, Major Nidal Malik Hasan.West continued, “[The report] makes no reference to Islamic jihadism, Muslim extremism, it doesn’t talk about his association with al-Awlaki, and it is classified as workplace violence. […] We’re making our security situation so vanilla. If we continue to be recalcitrant in identifying who the enemy is, to be less offensive to them, then we’re going to put ourselves in a bad situation.” [West Campaign YouTube, uploaded 4/23/12; Politico, 4/23/12; Huffington Post, 4/23/12]

VIDEO: CAIR Representative Questioned West on Statements Regarding Islam, Leading West to Cut Him Off, Saying “You Attacked Us!” In February 2011, a representative of the Council on American-Islamic Relations questioned West at a town hall event for saying Islam motivated attacks against the U.S. military personnel. The two argued, with the CAIR representative saying, “You attacked Islam…” to which West cut him off to say, “You attacked us!” to loud applause from the audience. West added, “I went to Muslim countries to defend the freedom of Muslim people. Don’t come up here and try to criticize me.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times Op-Ed, 2/22/11; YouTube, uploaded 2/21/11]

  • West Explained He Meant the CAIR Representative was Being Confrontational. In May 2011, an interviewer asked West if he was referring to the September 11th attacks with his comment. West responded, “I was referring to that gentleman. He came up, and from what I understand, he tried to be confrontational with me. And I told him that we had to stand because we were attacked, and if he wanted to take it personally, that’s up to him.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times, 5/10/11]
  • Op-Ed Criticized West for Statement, “In West’s Line,” the CAIR Representative “was Excluded from ‘Us.’” In February 2011, Brandon K. Thorp wrote an op-ed critical of West’s comments, writing, “Some very ugly thinking was reflected in that line. West’s Muslim supplicant was Nezar Hamze — an American, just the same as West, and a full-time activist for the betterment of American-Islamic relations. But in West’s line, he was excluded from ‘us’ — he was outside, other, Muslim — and, most ominously, responsible for the attacks of 9/11, along with all of his coreligionists. West then told Hamze to ‘put the microphone down and go home’ — even though Hamze is a Floridian, even though Hamze had not disrupted the gathering, and even though Westhas been elected to represent Hamze’s interests in Washington. This is no way to treat a constituent in a democracy.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times Op-Ed, 2/22/11]
  • West Accused CAIR Of “Questionable Associations” With Muslim Brotherhood. West explained his criticism of the CAIR representative by saying, “Because the Council on American-Islamic Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial. They have some very nefarious associations in this country that include the Muslim Brotherhood. And that is something that is well-known. The FBI has cut off all associations with CAIR, so I am not going to kowtow with an organization that has some very questionable associations.” The Holy Land Foundation Trial, the New Times explained, was a 2008 case in which the Texas-based Muslim charity the Holy Land Foundation was convicted of terrorist actions by Hamas. In court documents, prosecutors listed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator along with 200 other organizations. CAIR, the New Times added, has condemned violence, terrorist acts, and has denied being “a front group for Hamas.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times, 5/10/11]

West Said Foreign Muslims Hated the U.S. for “Who You Are and that You Exist.” In a May 2011, West was asked, “And you don’t worry that siding with the hardliners in Israel would anger Muslims throughout the world? You don’t worry that that actually endangers the U.S.?” West responded, “They already hate us… So you can continue to concede land or make concessions of peace, negotiate, but they still hate you for who you are and that you exist. And they continue to express that sentiment.” [Broward-Palm Beach New Times, 5/11/11]

VIDEO: West Said the Muslim Brotherhood Was Influencing U.S. National Security Policy. In April 2012, Fox News aired a piece stating the FBI removed 876 pages from its training manual, most of which, according to the anchor, related to insensitivity to the Muslim and American-Muslim community. West commented, “Well, I think we have to understand that when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it will lead to cultural suicide. And we should not allow the Muslim Brotherhood, associated groups, to be influencing our national security policy.” The anchor asked “Do you believe they are?” and West responded, “Oh, absolutely,” citing the military’s report on the 2009 Fort Hood Shootings, which West claimed made no reference to the religion of the shooting’s sole suspect, Major Nidal Malik Hasan. West continued, “[The report] makes no reference to Islamic jihadism, Muslim extremism, it doesn’t talk about his association with al-Awlaki, and it is classified as workplace violence. […] We’re making our security situation so vanilla. If we continue to be recalcitrant in identifying who the enemy is, to be less offensive to them, then we’re going to put ourselves in a bad situation.” [West Campaign YouTube, uploaded 4/23/12; Politico,4/23/12; Huffington Post, 4/23/12]

West Said Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison “Really Does Represent the Antithesis of the Principles Upon Which this Country was Established.” According to The Miami Herald, “West, whose district includes Broward and Palm Beach counties, was criticized by religious leaders in January for saying that Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim member of Congress, ‘really does represent the antithesis of the principles upon which this country was established.’” [The Miami Herald, 9/7/11]

  • West Said He was Referring to Ellison’s Support of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.According to The Miami Herald, “West said at the time he was referring to Ellison’s support of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has asked West to disassociate himself with some people the organization thinks are anti-Muslim.” [The Miami Herald, 9/7/11]
  • West Said CAIR Had a Long History of Supporting Violent Anti-American and Anti-Israeli Organizations. According to The National Journal, “That organization [CAIR], writes the congressman, is among groups that ‘have long histories of supporting violent anti-American and anti-Israel terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood.’ They operate ‘within our borders’ and ‘masquerade as more peaceful moderates,’ while posing threats to the United States, writes West of such organizations.” [The National Journal, 2/3/11]

Published: Oct 13, 2014 | Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

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