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News Tuesday, Jun 21 2016

The Worst Kind Of Deja Vu: GOP Senators Reject Common Sense Gun Safety Bills

Jun 21, 2016

Today, the following GOP senators voted against legislation that would help prevent suspected terrorists from purchasing guns:

Roy Blunt, Missouri
John Boozman, Arkansas
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
John McCain, Arizona
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Rob Portman, Ohio
Marco Rubio, Florida
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

These GOP senators also voted against closing the background check loophole for guns bought online and at gun shows:

Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
Roy Blunt, Missouri
John Boozman, Arkansas
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
John McCain, Arizona
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Rob Portman, Ohio
Marco Rubio, Florida
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

“These are common sense measures, but Senate Republicans refuse to take action against gun violence,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler. “Instead of supporting legislation that could make real change, GOP leaders introduced sham legislation that will do little to prevent another mass shooting and will still make it possible for suspected terrorists to get their hands on guns. The GOP should be ashamed that they continue to cower and risk Americans’ safety rather than stand up to the special interests of the gun industry.”

Published: Jun 21, 2016

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