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Wednesday, Apr 3 2024

They Watched Trump. Here’s What They’re Saying…

Apr 03, 2024

This week, American Bridge asked voters and reporters to watch a full Trump rally with us to understand how unhinged he has become and how much of a threat to democracy he poses for the country.

During events in Michigan and Wisconsin yesterday, Trump spewed election conspiracies, hate for transgender Americans, dehumanizing language about undocumented immigrants, and lied about his interactions with a grieving family.

Here’s what they’re saying in response to Trump’s unhinged performances on the campaign trail:

Rolling Stone: Trump Lies That It ‘Came Out’ He Won Wisconsin During Gaffe-Filled Rally
“Yet in a speech peppered with blunders, Trump — who faces two criminal indictments brought against him by the Justice Department and in Georgia stemming from his efforts to overturn the 2020 election — took the stage in the badger state and proceeded to paint an alternate reality in which he emerged the victor.” 

Reuters: Trump calls migrants ‘animals,’ intensifying focus on illegal immigration 
“While speaking of Laken Riley – a 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia allegedly murdered by a Venezuelan immigrant in the country illegally – Trump said some immigrants were sub-human. “The Democrats say, ‘Please don’t call them animals. They’re humans.’ I said, ‘No, they’re not humans, they’re not humans, they’re animals,'” said Trump, president from 2017 to 2021.”

New York Times: Trump Again Invokes ‘Blood Bath’ and Dehumanizes Migrants in Border Remarks
“Former President Donald J. Trump again cast President Biden’s immigration record in violent and ominous terms on Tuesday, accusing him in two speeches in battleground states of creating a “border blood bath” and once more using dehumanizing language to describe some migrants entering the country illegally.”

The Washington Post: Trump said he spoke to murder victim’s family. The victim’s sister said it never happened.
“But Mavi Garcia elaborated on Tuesday after calling Trump’s comments “shocking.” “He did not speak with any of us, so it was kind of shocking seeing that he had said that he had spoke with us, and misinforming people on live TV,” she told Target 8. She said she wishes Ortiz-Vite had “stayed in Mexico” but that “the focus should be on my sister right now, who she was in life.””

The New Republic: Trump’s Ugly, Hateful Rants in Michigan Should Be Covered as a Scandal
“But Trump’s ugly demagogic rants in Michigan, and others like it, deserve to be treated as a national scandal. The cherry-picking of isolated terrible crimes to smear migrants as a class is not something we would tolerate if it were directed toward other groups. Never mind what Trump is attempting to do politically. His deranged, malicious, hateful public conduct should be seen as the real story here. It should be covered that way.” 

Published: Apr 3, 2024 | Last Modified: Apr 4, 2024

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