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News Thom Tillis Tuesday, Jun 17 2014

Thom Tillis Is Back And More Racially Divisive Than Ever

Jun 17, 2014

You may remember him from his hit single “Divide and Conquer.” Well he’s back with an all new track. Your favorite candidate ladies and gentlemen (well, just gentlemen really…white gentlemen): The Speaker with the Mean Streak, the one and only, Thom Tillis!

And Tillis doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. He’s passed legislation that threatens to shut down women’s health care clinics, kicked 65,000 people off unemployment insurance, opposed Medicaid expansiongutted education funding, and slashed taxes for millionaires, shifting more of the tax burden to working families.

His newest stroke of genius, “Traditional Voters,” promises to please the same shrinking demographic that loved his previous work. Check it out for yourself and learn about the differences between minority populations and the “traditional population,” and be sure to stay tuned for similar hits from now until November.

Published: Jun 17, 2014 | Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

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