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Thursday, Jul 10 2014

Todd Akin: The GOP Can't Find a Way to 'Shut That Whole Thing Down'

Jul 10, 2014

According to POLITICO, none other than disgraced Missouri Republican Todd Akin is attempting a comeback, complete with a book due out next week: “Firing Back: Taking on the Party Bosses and Media Elite to Protect Our Faith and Freedom.” POLITICO summarizes portions of the book, notably including Akin’s attempt to recant his 2012 apology for the now-infamous remarks he made about rape and abortion.

The POLITICO story — and much the resulting buzz — points out that Akin’s resurgence is unlikely to receive a warm welcome from the GOP establishment. After noting that the book’s introduction was penned by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, POLITICO comments that “few other conservatives are likely to cheer Akin’s return to the national stage,” after his offensive and incendiary comments during the last campaign cycle. This is perhaps true, and Akin’s comments about ‘legitimate rape’ were legitimately awful.

But in reality, dozens of other Republicans have demonstrated their Akin-esque views on rape, pregnancy and women’s health issues, including Rep. Paul Ryan, Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Marco Rubio, among many others. So perhaps there is some logic — albeit twisted — to Akin’s suggestion that he was singled out by the establishment GOP and treated unfairly, given that his colleagues up and down the ticket hold similar stances on women’s health.

See for yourself just how many other members of the Republican party have earned a spot on the Todd Akin Wall of Shame at

Published: Jul 10, 2014

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