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Wednesday, Mar 13 2019

TOP LA GOP Official Says Women Are Too Emotional to Run for Office

Mar 13, 2019

Yesterday, former longtime Louisiana Republican Party Chair Roger Villere said in an interview that Louisiana Republicans struggled to recruit women candidates for office because women were too emotional. No, really that’s what he said. See for yourself:
  • “Villere also said female candidates sometimes get tied up in rhetoric and take political attacks more personally than male candidates.”
  • ““The guys, for the most part, let a lot of the vitriol bounce off of them,” Villere said. “You’ll see them attack one another in the morning and then they’re out at a party, kidding around with one another. Whereas the ladies tend to hold a grudge a little longer.””
  • “Still, Villere said he feels the party is making progress.”
  • ““My whole thought process was: ‘Let’s elect Republicans,’” he said. “And I would like to have a woman, but if I can’t then we’ll go with the men. I’m not going to go with a weak Republican woman who doesn’t really want to run and doesn’t have the resources.””
“Roger Villere’s misogynistic comments should be immediately denounced by his party’s candidates for Governor, Eddie Rispone and Ralph Abraham,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “It’s telling that the party that opposes Governor John Bel Edwards’ efforts to pass equal pay for equal work legislation also thinks women are too emotional to run for office.”


Published: Mar 13, 2019

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