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News Friday, Jul 1 2016

Trump and the Western Conservative Summit, A History Of Hate

Jul 01, 2016

Donald Trump and the Western Conservative Summit is a match made in heaven: Both have a long history deeply tied to the worst strains of right-wing extremism.

Trump is speaking at WCS today, and we can only expect that his racist, anti-immigrant, xenophobic, and anti-gay tendencies will shine through. Though Donald Trump has been exceedingly clear in his opposition to same-sex marriage— vowing to appoint Supreme Court Justices that would overturn marriage equality–he runs the risk of being outperformed by his opening act, Sarah Palin. Palin has been a staunch supporter of a constitutional amendment banning marriage equality.

Senator Bill Armstrong, who leads the summit, has an anti-LGBT record Trump would be proud of. Armstrong claimed that a pro-gay Republican group isn’t, “a very good fit with our group” and refused to let the Log Cabin Republicans have a presence at the event in 2015, even though they had already paid for a booth.

Not only were pro-gay voices excluded from the summit, but virulently anti-gay groups were given a prominent platform.  Official registration packets for the Summit included a publication titled “Top Ten Myths About Homosexuality,” authored by the Family Research Council.

As reported by the Huffington Post, “myths” the Western Conservative Summit were debunking included:

  • “homosexual conduct is not harmful to one’s physical health”;
  • “children raised by homosexuals are no different than children raised by heterosexuals”;
  • “homosexual relationships are just the same as heterosexual ones, except for the gender of the partners,”;
  • “homosexuals are no more likely to molest children than heterosexuals.” 

The Western Conservative Summit shares a troubling history of hate with Donald Trump. What brand will Trump bring with him today? Will it be anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-woman, or will he choose instead to carry on the anti-gay tradition of the summit?


Western Conservative Summit

July 2015: Senator Bill Armstrong, President Of Colorado Christian University Which Sponsored The Western Conservative Summit, Said “I Do Think That The Homosexual Agenda In Part Is To Shut Down Further Discussion Of The [Morality Of The Gay] Issue. That Will Not Happen.” According to Huffington Post, “The Denver Post got the money quote for irony from Sen. Bill Armstrong, the president of Colorado Christian University, which sponsored the summit. ‘I do think that the homosexual agenda in part is to shut down further discussion of the [morality of the gay] issue. That will not happen,’ he told the Post.” [Huffington Post, 06/29/15]

  • Senator Bill Armstrong, President Of Colorado Christian University Which Sponsored The Western Conservative Summit Said “I Do Think That The Homosexual Agenda In Part Is To Shut Down Further Discussion Of The Issue. That Will Not Happen.”According to Denver Post, “‘I do think that the homosexual agenda in part is to shut down further discussion of the issue. That will not happen,’ he said, during an interview at the summit.” [Denver Post, 06/27/15]
  • Senator Bill Armstrong, President Of Colorado Christian University Which Sponsored The Western Conservative Summit Said “Honestly, I Don’t Think They’re A Very Good Fit With Our Group.”According to Denver Post, “‘Honestly, I don’t think they’re a very good fit with our group,’ said former Sen. Bill Armstrong, president of Colorado Christian University, which sponsors the event.” [Denver Post, 06/27/15]

Senator Bill Armstrong Refused To Let Log Cabin Republicans Get Own Booth At Western Conservative Summit Because Pro-Gay Organization Does Not Fit Well With His Group. According to Huffington Post, “Armstrong is the guy who refused to let the Log Cabin Republicans have its own booth at the event to discuss the issue with participants, saying the pro-gay organization doesn’t fit well with his group.” [Huffington Post, 06/29/15]

Rick Santorum Shared The Same Views As Senator Bill Armstrong. According to Huffington Post, “The Post reported that Rick Santorum, who’s again running for president, shared Armstrong’s views during his Summit appearance.” [Huffington Post, 06/29/15]

Rick Santorum Said Rick Santorum Said “Why Are We Losing The Public Debate? You Can’t Win An Argument You Don’t Make,’ He Said. ‘We Have Been Bullied Into Silence, In Not Standing Up For The Truth And Here’s Where We Are”According to Denver Post, “Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum touched on that same theme during his speech Friday night. ‘Why are we losing the public debate? You can’t win an argument you don’t make,’ he said. ‘We have been bullied into silence, in not standing up for the truth and here’s where we are.’” [Denver Post, 06/27/15]

Western Conservative Summit, Which Attracted Seven Presidential Contenders And 4,000 Delegates, Gave Conference Goers Book Titled ‘ Top Ten Myths About Homosexuality Published By Family Research Council. According to Rewire, “In registration packets for the Western Conservative Summit, which attracted seven presidential contenders and 4,000 delegates to Denver over the weekend, conference goers received a booklet titled, ‘Top Ten Myths About Homosexuality,’ published by the Family Research Council.” [Rewire, 06/29/15]

Top Ten Myths About Homosexuality Book Included “Homosexual Conduct Is Not Harmful To One’s Physical Health,” “Children Raised By Homosexuals Are No Different Than Children Raised By Heterosexuals, Nor Do They Suffer Harm,” And “Homosexual Relationships Are Just The Same As Heterosexual Ones, Except For The Gender Of The Partners.” According to Rewire, “The ‘myths’ included that ‘homosexual conduct is not harmful to one’s physical health,’ ‘children raised by homosexuals are no different than children raised by heterosexuals, nor do they suffer harm,’ and ‘homosexual relationships are just the same as heterosexual ones, except for the gender of the partners.’” [Rewire, 06/29/15]

Western Conservative Summit Told Members Of The Log Cabin Republicans, Their Organization Would Not Be Allowed To Have A Booth At The Conference, Despite Being Already Paid For It. According to Rewire, “In fact, a couple months before the event, members of the Log Cabin Republicans, a GOP gay rights advocacy group, was told by summit organizers that their organization would not be allowed to have a booth at the conference, even though they’d already paid for it.” [Rewire, 06/29/15]

  • Western Summit Organizers Allowed Log Cabin Republicans To Share Table With Colorado GOP.According to Huffington Post, “Summit organizers did not shut down the pro-gay side of the debate completely. They allowed the Log Cabin Republicans to share a table with the Colorado GOP, and progressive bloggers covered the event. And the Post reported that younger Republicans at the event supported the Supreme Court’s decision” [Huffington Post,06/29/15]

Ben Carson Said “I Have Nothing Against Gay People, Like Everybody Else, They Don’t Get Extra Rights. And They Don’t Get To Change Things For Everybody Else.”According to Rewire, “‘I have nothing against gay people,’ Ben Carson said at one evening session, adding, ‘Like everybody else, they don’t get extra rights. And they don’t get to change things for everybody else.’” [Rewire, 06/29/15]

Published: Jul 1, 2016

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