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News Tuesday, Jun 14 2016

Trump U Fraud Case Judge Curiel's Home-State Governor Stands With Trump

Jun 14, 2016

Donald Trump has for months attacked Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the judge presiding over the Trump University fraud case. Trump’s attacks on Curiel have been overtly racist — with Trump calling Curiel, who was born in Indiana, “Spanish” and “a Mexican,” and insisting that Curiel’s “very proud” “Mexican heritage” precludes him from rendering fair judgement in Trump’s case.

As Speaker Paul Ryan characterized it, that’s “textbook” racism.

But even in Curiel’s home state of Indiana, Republican leaders — specifically, Governor Mike Pence — have stood by Trump, instead of condemning his racism and attacks on Curiel. Most shamefully, Governor Pence actually waited to endorse Trump until after Trump’s most repugnant and openly racist attacks on Curiel.

It’s clear that life-long con man Donald Trump is eager to draw attention away from Trump University scam — even if it means exposing himself as a racist. But that doesn’t mean it’s anything but disgraceful for Republicans like RNC Chair Reince Priebus, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker Paul Ryan, and Curiel’s home-state Governor Mike Pence to stand by Trump and continue to enable him.

Read more here.

Published: Jun 14, 2016

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