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Tuesday, May 24 2016

Trump Warms To Woody "Will Totally Control What Happens" Johnson

May 24, 2016

Donald Trump wants GOP megadonors to know he’s ready to capitulate to their self-interested policy agenda in exchange for their financial backing.

Three months ago, Donald Trump lied and said he was self-funding his campaign. Flash-forward to today, and Trump’s still lying about the self-funding, but now Donald’s started sucking up to the Republican donor class — the types that manipulate weak and needy candidates like him in exchange for “tremendous amounts of money.”

Trump, in February:

I’m the only politician that’s not getting money.  All these guys, like Cruz, is getting tremendous amounts of money from oil and all these different. Jeb Bush — Woody Johnson, from Johnson & Johnson is his campaign finance chairWoody will totally control what happens.” 

[Donald Trump, Press Conference, Hanahan, SC, 2/15/16]


Trump, yesterday:

“Donald J. Trump met privately on Monday with Woody Johnson, the New York Jets owner and a top Republican fund-raiser”

“Woody’s a great guy,” Mr. Trump said. “Woody will support me.”

[New York Times, 5/23/16


Published: May 24, 2016

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