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News Wednesday, Jun 22 2016

Trump's Gaddafi Gambit

Jun 22, 2016

In 2009, Donald Trump decided it was a good idea to rent land at his New York estate to Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Trump has tried to downplay the Gaddafi deal — and at one point even plead ignorance the arrangement — but BuzzFeed News reports there’s even more to the story: Trump actively “sought to use the opportunity to gain access to [Gaddafi], who was in a position to release billions in investment capital.”

Sure, Trump’s said you’ve got to give Kim Jong Un “credit” for killing his uncle to seize power, but actively trying to do business with a similarly ruthless dictator like Gaddafi is a whole different ball game.

If nothing else, it speaks to the extent to which Donald Trump is agnostic to the oppression and exploitation of others when there’s a buck to be made.

Published: Jun 22, 2016

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