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Trump’s Potential Supreme Court Justices

Who Are Trump’s Picks For the Supreme Court?

Donald Trump has already made a mark on the Supreme Court, but he could further impose his legacy with an additional slate of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-worker justices.



Tom Cotton

Tom Cotton, one of the Senate’s most reckless and dangerous members, could be making his way to the Trump administration in a second term.

Allison Eid

Federal Judge

Allison Eid

Allison Eid, a circuit judge, was floated as a potential Trump Supreme Court pick. Eid also happened to be a top pick for anti-abortion groups.

Allison Jones Rushing

Federal Judge

Allison Jones Rushing

Allison Jones Rushing is an anti-abortion Trump-appointed judge who could become an anti-abortion justice on the Supreme Court in a second Trump term.

Barbara Lagoa

Federal Judge

Barbara Lagoa

Barbara Lagoa ruled against abortion rights, and that’s why she is reportedly one of Trump’s picks for a vacant Supreme Court seat.

Bridget Bade

Federal Judge

Bridget Bade

Like many Trump judicial picks, Bade has been hostile to abortion rights.

Carlos Muniz

Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court

Carlos Muñiz

Carlos Muñiz, who is on Trump’s shortlist for a Supreme Court appointment, allowed one of the strictest abortion bans in the country to go into effect.


Former Attorney General Of Kentucky

Daniel Cameron

Despite his failed run for governor, Daniel Cameron may find himself, once again, on Trump’s shortlist for a Supreme Court seat.

David Stras

Federal Judge

David Stras

David Stras is a notable anti-abortion judge. It is no surprise he was on Trump’s shortlist for a Supreme Court seat.


Federal Judge

Diane Sykes

Diane Sykes is yet another anti-abortion judge that Trump might promote to the nation’s highest court in a second term.


Federal Judge

Don Willett

Don Willett, a circuit court judge nominated by Trump in 2017, has demonstrated his distaste for reproductive rights on the federal bench. It’s no wonder he’s been on Trump’s shortlist for a seat on the Supreme Court.

Greg Katsas

Federal Judge

Greg Katsas

Greg Katsas, an anti-abortion zealot from the Bush administration, is on Trump’s shortlist for a Supreme Court appointment.


Federal Judge

James Ho

James Ho is one of the most extreme judges Trump brought to the federal judiciary, and he could be coming to the Supreme Court in a second Trump term.

Joan Larsen

Federal Judge

Joan Larsen

Joan Larsen is yet another anti-abortion judge on Trump’s Supreme Court shortlist.

Kate Todd

Former Trump Administration Official

Kate Todd

Kate Todd may be returning to Trump’s world, this time as a potential Supreme Court judge.

Lawrence VanDyke

Federal Judge

Lawrence VanDyke

Lawrence VanDyke is an anti-abortion zealot that has been on Trump’s shortlist for a Supreme Court seat.

Noel Francisco

Former Solicitor General

Noel Francisco

Noel Francisco, who served as Trump’s solicitor general, has fought for years against abortion access. It’s no surprise he has been floated as a potential Supreme Court pick for Trump.

Paul Clement

Former Solicitor General

Paul Clement

Paul Clement is an anti-abortion judge, which is why he’s been on Trump’s shortlist for a Supreme Court appointment.

Peter Phipps

Federal Judge

Peter Phipps

Peter Phipps has been floated as a Supreme Court pick for Trump, and given his anti-abortion record, it’s no wonder.

Raymond Gruender

Federal Judge

Raymond Gruender

Raymond Gruender is a judge who has ruled against abortion access and is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court.

Sarah Pitlyk

Federal Judge

Sarah Pitlyk

Sarah Pitlyk is one of Trump’s most anti-abortion judges and if Trump gets another term, she could be a Supreme Court justice.

Steven Colloton

Federal Judge

Steven Colloton

Anti-abortion judge Steven Colloton is said to be on Trump’s Supreme Court shortlist in a second term.

Stuart Kyle Duncan

Federal Judge

Stuart Kyle Duncan

Stuart Kyle Duncan has opposed abortion on and off the bench, and soon he could be a Trump Supreme Court pick.



Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz has long been an anti-abortion zealot in the Senate, but in a second Trump term, he could be elevated to the nation’s highest court.

Thomas Hardiman

Federal Judge

Thomas Hardiman

Thomas Hardiman, who Trump floated as a potential Supreme Court pick, has sided with anti-abortion protesters.

William Pryor

Federal Judge

William Pryor

William Pryor is an anti-abortion judge on Trump’s Supreme Court shortlist.

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