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Doug Burgum

The North Dakota governor and former businessman could be a key player in another Trump administration. On top of being rich, Burgum is anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ rights, and anti-clean energy.

Doug Burgum On Abortion

Burgum Signed A Total Abortion Ban Into Law With Limited Exceptions

Burgum Signed Legislation Banning Abortion At Nearly Any Point In Pregnancy

Burgum Signed Legislation Banning Abortion At Nearly Any Point In Pregnancy. According to the Associated Press, “North Dakota on Monday adopted one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country as Republican Gov. Doug Burgum signed legislation banning the procedure throughout pregnancy, with slim exceptions up to six weeks’ gestation. In those early weeks, abortions would only be allowed in cases of rape or incest, or in medical emergencies. After six weeks, rape and incest victims cannot get abortions. Abortions to treat some medical emergencies, such as ectopic pregnancies, are allowed at any stage of pregnancy.” [Associated Press, 4/25/23

Under The Law, Abortions Were Allowed In Cases Of Rape Or Incest Up To Six Weeks’ Gestation 

Under The Law, Abortions Were Allowed In Cases Of Rape Or Incest Up To Six Weeks’ Gestation. According to the Associated Press, “North Dakota on Monday adopted one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country as Republican Gov. Doug Burgum signed legislation banning the procedure throughout pregnancy, with slim exceptions up to six weeks’ gestation. In those early weeks, abortions would only be allowed in cases of rape or incest, or in medical emergencies. After six weeks, rape and incest victims cannot get abortions.” [Associated Press, 4/25/23]

Under The Law, Abortions To Treat Medical Emergencies Were Allowed At Any Stage Of Pregnancy

Under The Law, Abortions To Treat Medical Emergencies Were Allowed At Any Stage Of Pregnancy. According to the Associated Press, “Abortions to treat some medical emergencies, such as ectopic pregnancies, are allowed at any stage of pregnancy.” [Associated Press, 4/25/23]

Under The Law, Providers Could Face Criminal Charges If They Violated The Law’s Exceptions

Providers Could Face Criminal Charges If They Violated The Exceptions Detailed In The New Law. According to the New York Times, “The new law, which takes immediate effect, is a dramatic shift for the state, where abortions had been legal up until 22 weeks of pregnancy. Under the earlier ban, providers who performed an abortion to save the life of a mother could face felony prosecution. The provider would need to offer an ‘affirmative defense’ proving that the abortion was medically necessary within the confines of the state law. Under the new version of the law, the exceptions do not require an affirmative defense from providers. But providers could still face criminal charges if they violate the exceptions detailed in the law.” [New York Times, 4/24/23

Burgum On LGBTQ Rights

Burgum Signed Legislation Into Law In North Dakota Banning Gender-Affirming Care For Transgender Youth

Burgum Signed Bill Criminalizing Transgender Health Care In North Dakota For People Under 18 

Burgum Signed Bill Into Law That Made It A Crime To Give Gender-Affirming Care To People Under 18. According to the Associated Press, “North Dakota’s Republican Gov. Doug Burgum signed a bill into law that restricts transgender health care in the state, immediately making it a crime to give gender-affirming care to people younger than 18. Gender-affirming care for minors has been available in the U.S. for more than a decade and is endorsed by major medical associations, but it has increasingly come under attack in many conservative legislatures, including North Dakota’s, where lawmakers have passed at least three anti-trans bills this year.” [Associated Press, 4/20/23

Burgum Said The Law Was Intended To “Protect Children From The Life-Altering Ramifications” Of Gender-Affirming Care. According to the Associated Press, “In a statement released Thursday morning, Burgum said the law is ‘aimed at protecting children from the life-altering ramifications of gender reassignment surgeries’ but he added that medical professionals have testified these surgeries have not been and are not being performed on minors in North Dakota. He said the law still allows medication treatment for early onset puberty and other rare circumstances with parental consent, and minors currently receiving gender-affirming care will still be able to receive treatment.” [Associated Press, 4/20/23]

Research Has Shown The Safety Of Medical Interventions For Transgender Youth

The Food And Drug Administration Approved Puberty Blockers And Synthetic Sex Hormones Decades Ago. According to the Associated Press, “The Food and Drug Administration approved puberty blockers 30 years ago to treat children with precocious puberty — a condition that causes sexual development to begin much earlier than usual. Sex hormones — synthetic forms of estrogen and testosterone — were approved decades ago to treat hormone disorders or as birth control pills.” [Associated Press, 4/20/23]

Research Has Shown Transgender Individuals Can Be Prone To Suicidal Behavior When Forced To Live As The Sex They Were Assigned. According to the Associated Press, “Research has shown that transgender youths and adults can be prone to suicidal behavior when forced to live as the sex they were assigned at birth. And critics of legislation to restrict gender-affirming care for children say it’s an attempt by conservatives to motivate their voting base.” [Associated Press, 4/20/23]

Burgum Signed Anti-Transgender Legislation Aimed At Schools

Burgum Signed Legislation That Allowed Public School Teachers And State Government Employees To Ignore Pronouns Their Students And Colleagues Use 

Burgum Signed Bill That Prohibited Public Schools And Government Entities From Requiring Teachers And Employees To Refer To Transgender People By The Pronouns They Use. According to the Associated Press, “North Dakota Republican Gov. Doug Burgum has signed a bill that prohibits public schools and government entities from requiring teachers and employees to refer to transgender people by the pronouns they use, the governor’s office announced Monday.” [Associated Press, 5/8/23]

Burgum Signed A Bill That Required Teachers To Tell Parents If The Student Identified As Transgender

Burgum Signed Bill That Required Teachers To Tell Parents If The Student Identified As Transgender. According to the Associated Press, “The new law also requires teachers to tell a parent or legal guardian if the student identifies as transgender.” [Associated Press, 5/8/23]

Burgum Signed Bill That Prohibited Transgender Students From Using The Bathroom Of Their Choice Without Prior Parental Approval

Burgum Signed Bill That Prohibited Transgender Students From Using The Bathroom Of Their Choice Without Prior Parental Approval. According to the Associated Press, “It prohibits transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice without prior approval from a parent or guardian.” [Associated Press, 5/8/23

Doug Burgum On Energy

Burgum Opposed Moving Towards Clean Energy

Burgum Criticized The Move To Electric Vehicles

Burgum Criticized The Biden Administration’s Movement To Increase Electric Vehicle Usage. According to USA Today, “As governor of the third-largest crude oil-producing state, energy is another one of Burgum’s favorite topics, a focus on display in New Hampshire, where he continued to link the issue to national security. Repeating statements he’s made previously on the campaign trail, the Arthur, North Dakota, native derided what he described as a ‘full-on assault of liquid fuels in this country’ by the Biden administration and criticized the movement toward electric vehicles for increasing U.S. reliance on Chinese-made car batteries.” [USA Today, 10/19/23]

Burgum Supported Drilling On Federal Land

Burgum Said The U.S. Bureau of Land Management Should Allow Mining And Drilling On Federal Land. According to USA Today, “To ensure U.S. energy independence, he contended that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management should allow energy-related activities, such as rare earth metal mining and oil and natural gas drilling, on the over 240 million acres of land it administers.” [USA Today, 10/19/23]

Burgum Promised To Eliminate Pipeline Permitting Requirements

Burgum Promised To Eliminate Pipeline Permitting Requirements. According to USA Today, “If elected president, Burgum suggested he would roll back regulations in the oil and gas industries but still support clean energy projects. For instance, he vowed to eliminate government permitting requirements he said were preventing a natural gas pipeline from being constructed between Pennsylvania and New England.” [USA Today, 10/19/23]


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