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Project 2025

Project 2025 has been the culmination of work by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups to lay the groundwork for a second Trump term. The group has vetted Trump loyalists for potential administration roles while also proposing draconian policies on abortion, education, and civil rights

Project 2025

Project 2025 Wanted To Have An Administration In Waiting For The Next Republican Administration

Project 2025 Was Put Together By The Heritage Foundation

The Week: “Project 2025 Is The Brainchild Of A Conservative Think Tank Called The Heritage Foundation.” According to the Week, “While the plan has not gained significant amounts of traction in the national news media, Project 2025 is the brainchild of a conservative think tank called the Heritage Foundation. The foundation is collaborating with at least 80 other conservative groups to spearhead an effort to ‘rescue the country from the grip of the radical left,’ with a ‘governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration,’ according to the Project 2025 website.” [Week, 2/26/24]

Project 2025 Wanted To Build An Administration Ready For The Next Republican President

Project 2025 Wanted To Have An Aggressive, Ambitious, And Audacious Administration Ready For The Next President. According to Axios, “Details: The Heritage Foundation told us Project 2025 officials have collected more than 5,000 applications — months before a Republican nominee is locked in. Heritage president Kevin Roberts said recently that Project 2025’s mission is to get the next conservative president ‘ready to govern in the most aggressive, ambitious, audacious way to destroy the Deep State and devolve power back to the individual Americans.’” [Axios, 12/1/23]

  • Trump Was Officially The Republican Nominee For The 2024 Presidential Election. According to Politico, “Former President Donald Trump, at last, is the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, after notching a majority of the delegates to the GOP’s July convention. Trump crossed the threshold of 1,215 delegates on Tuesday night, according to The Associated Press, as he won elections in Georgia, Mississippi, Hawaii and Washington, following a near-sweep of Super Tuesday states a week before.” [Politico, 3/12/24]

In Order For Project 2025 To Meet Their Goals They Screened Applicants For Their Loyalty To Trump

The Heritage Foundation’s Leader, Kevin Roberts, Said He Wanted To institutionalize “Trumpism”

Roberts Said He Saw Project 2025’s Role As “Institutionalizing Trumpism.” According to the New York Times, “Since taking over the Heritage Foundation in 2021, Kevin D. Roberts has been making his mark on an institution that came to prominence during the Reagan years and has long been seen as an incubator of conservative policy and thought. […] Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’ This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power.” [New York Times, 1/21/24]

Project 2025 Advertised That They Wanted To “Properly” Vet The Personnel For The Next Administration

Project 2025 Wanted The Administration They Put Together To Be Full Of “Properly Vetted And Trained Personnel.” According to Project 2025’s site, “Project 2025 is the effort of a massive coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful Administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government. Project 2025 is being organized by The Heritage Foundation.” [Project 2025 website, accessed 5/9/24]

Politico Reported That The Project 2025 Team Was Scouring Records And Social Media Accounts For Applicants

Politico Reported That Project 2025 Was Effectively Administering Loyalty Tests By Screening Applicant’s Social Media Accounts And Records. According to Politico, “The Project 2025 team is scouring records and social media accounts to rule out heretics — effectively administering loyalty tests — and launching a so-called Presidential Administration Academy that tutors future MAGA bureaucrats with video classes in ‘Conservative Governance 101.’” [Politico, 9/19/23]

Project 2025 Asked Applicants To Fill Out A Questionnaire As Part Of Their Application Process

Project 2025’s Application Said Asked Applicants To “Fill Out The Questionnaire Below” If They Wanted “To Be Considered For Positions In A Presidential Administration.”  According to Project 2025’s site, “Please fill out the questionnaire below and upload your resume for inclusion in the Presidential Personnel Database if you would like to be considered for positions in a presidential Administration.” [Project 2025 website, accessed 5/9/24]

The Questions Appeared Centered On The Applicant’s Political Philosophy And Ideology

Project 2025’s Questionnaire: “Name One Person, Past Or Present, Who Has Most Influenced The Development Of Your Political Philosophy.” According to Axios, “The big picture: Similar questions are being asked for the Talent Database being assembled by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 — the most sophisticated, expensive pre-transition planning ever undertaken for either party: ‘Name one person, past or present, who has most influenced the development of your political philosophy.’” [Axios, 12/1/23]

A Question In Project 2025’s Questionnaire Read, “Name A Book That Has Most Significantly Shaped Your Political Philosophy, And Please Explain Its Influence On Your Thinking.” The big picture: Similar questions are being asked for the Talent Database being assembled by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 — the most sophisticated, expensive pre-transition planning ever undertaken for either party: […] ‘Name a book that has most significantly shaped your political philosophy, and please explain its influence on your thinking.’” [Axios, 12/1/23]

A Question In Project 2025’s Questionnaire Read, “Name One Living Public Policy Figure Whom You Greatly Admire And Why.” The big picture: Similar questions are being asked for the Talent Database being assembled by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 — the most sophisticated, expensive pre-transition planning ever undertaken for either party: […] ‘Name one living public policy figure whom you greatly admire and why.’” [Axios, 12/1/23]

A Trump White House Alumnus Shared That The Questionnaire Was Focused On Finding Out An Applicant’s Political Leaning To Determine Their MAGA Loyalty

The Trump White House Alumnus Said The Questionnaire Was Designed To Test The Sincerity Of Someone’s MAGA Credentials. According to Axios, “Between the lines: An alumnus of the Trump White House told us both documents are designed to test the sincerity of someone’s MAGA credentials and determine ‘when you got red-pilled,’ or became a true believer. ‘They want to see that you’re listening to Tucker, and not pointing to the Reagan revolution or any George W. Bush stuff,’ this person said. […] Both documents are striking for their emphasis on what you believe rather than your credentials or accomplishments.” [Axios, 12/1/23]

The Same Trump White House Alumnus Said Project 2025 Wanted “To See That You’re Listening To Tucker, And Not Pointing To The Reagan Revolution Or Any George W. Bush Stuff.” According to Axios, “Between the lines: An alumnus of the Trump White House told us both documents are designed to test the sincerity of someone’s MAGA credentials and determine ‘when you got red-pilled,’ or became a true believer. ‘They want to see that you’re listening to Tucker, and not pointing to the Reagan revolution or any George W. Bush stuff,’ this person said. […] Both documents are striking for their emphasis on what you believe rather than your credentials or accomplishments.” [Axios, 12/1/23]

Abortion And Sexuality

Project 2025 Called To Enforce The Comstock Act, Which Would Ban The Shipping Of Abortion Pills And Tools Doctors Would Use To Induce Abortion

Project 2025 Called To Enforce The Comstock Act

Project 2025 Called To Enforce The Comstock Act. According to NOTUS, “Project 2025, the presidential transition plan backed by many of Trump’s conservative allies and embraced by other Republicans, calls for Comstock’s enforcement. Spencer Chretien, Project 2025’s associate director and previous special assistant to former President Trump, told NOTUS that, ‘the most intense focus is on the first 180 days, the first six months of the new administration. That’s when the president has the most capital. That’s when you’ve got to go big.’ Among the actions that the project considers a priority during this period, Chretien said, is enforcing Comstock.” [NOTUS, 1/19/24]

The Comstock Act Prohibited The Shipment Of Anything Intended For Inducing An Abortion

The Comstock Act Prohibited The Shipment Of Anything Intended For An Abortion. According to NOTUS, “They’re pinning their hopes on the Comstock Act, a series of laws enacted in 1873 that prohibit the shipment of ‘every article or thing designed, adapted or intended for producing abortion.’ The law was essentially unenforceable during the Roe era, but a federal judge in Texas ruled in 2023 that the Comstock Act prohibits the shipment of the two drugs used in more than half of all abortions today.” [NOTUS, 1/19/24]

Project 2025 Called For A Future President To Withdraw From A Biden Administration Memo Which Stated That The Comstock Act Made Mailing Abortion Pills Illegal When “The Sender Intends Them To Be Used Unlawfully.” According to NOTUS, “The plan calls for a future president to withdraw a 2022 memo issued by the Biden administration stating that Comstock makes mailing abortion pills illegal only when ‘the sender intends them to be used unlawfully.’ A new GOP-led Justice Department could then issue guidance telling federal agencies how to interpret the law and who should be prosecuted when the law is broken.” [NOTUS, 1/19/24]

Experts Argued That Enforcing The Comstock Act Federally Would Lead To A Total Abortion Ban

Mary Ziegler, A Law Professor At The University Of California, Davis, Said The Comstock Act Would Lead To An Abortion Ban Because “There Are No Abortions That Take Place In The United States Without An Item That Was Sent In The Mail.” According to NOTUS, “Interpreting Comstock that way would effectively ban abortion pills nationwide — even in states that protect abortion rights. With a broader interpretation of Comstock, women in blue states would be able to access some surgical abortions in places where those tools already are, but the inability to mail devices would lead to a full ban because ‘there are no abortions that take place in the United States without an item that was sent in the mail,’ said Mary Ziegler, a professor of law at the University of California, Davis, who specializes in abortion issues. She added that tools and drugs used in abortions are acquired from ‘drug companies and medical suppliers’ who then ship those to health providers.” [NOTUS, 1/19/24]

Project 2025 Proposed Tasking The Department Of Health And Human Services With Outlawing The Abortion Pill Mifepristone

Project 2025 Would Ensure That The Department Of Health And Human Services Would Be Tasked With Outlawing The Abortion Pill Mifepristone. According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] The Department of Health and Human Services would be tasked with insuring that mifepristone—the abortion pill—is outlawed.” [The Nation, 2/8/24] 

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Defund Planned Parenthood

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Defund Planned Parenthood. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds. During the 2020–2021 reporting period, Planned Parenthood performed more than 383,000 abortions. The national organization reported more than $133 million in excess revenue and more than $2.1 billion in net assets. During this same year, Planned Parenthood reports that its affiliates received more than $633 million in government funding and more than $579 million in private contributions. Planned Parenthood affiliates face accusations of waste, abuse and potential fraud with taxpayer dollars, failure to report the sexual abuse of minor girls, and allegations of profiting from the sale of organs from aborted babies. Policymakers should end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers and redirect funding to health centers that provide real health care for women.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 471, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025 Called To Outlaw Pornography

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Outlaw Pornography. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 5, Accessed 2/13/24]

Health Care

Project 2025 Proposed A Privatized Medicare Advantage Plan, Which Would End The Traditional Medicare Program

Project 2025 Proposed To “Make Medicare Advantage The Default Enrollment Option,” Which Would End The Traditional Medicare Program. According to Rolling Stone, “Conservative operatives have already sketched out what the GOP’s policy agenda would look like in the early days of a new Donald Trump presidency. As Rolling Stone has detailed, the proposed Project 2025 agenda is radically right-wing. One item buried in the 887-page blueprint has attracted little attention thus far, but would have a monumental impact on the health of America’s seniors and the future of one of America’s most popular social programs: a call to ‘make Medicare Advantage the default enrollment option’ for people who are newly eligible for Medicare. Such a policy would hasten the end of the traditional Medicare program, as well as its foundational premise: that seniors can go to any doctor or provider they choose.” [Rolling Stone, 2/5/24]

The Proposal Would Reshape The Future Of Medicare And Push More Seniors To Alternative, Privatized Medicare Advantage Plans. According to Rolling Stone, “The latest ‘Mandate for Leadership,’ the Project 2025 agenda written by the Heritage Foundation and like-minded conservative organizations, would reshape the future of the Medicare program and push more seniors into alternative, privatized Medicare Advantage plans.” [Rolling Stone, 2/5/24]


Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Lower Corporate Tax Rates To 18% 

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Lower Corporate Tax Rates To 18%. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Intermediate Tax Reform. The Treasury should work with Congress to sim- plify the tax code by enacting a simple two-rate individual tax system of 15 percent and 30 percent that eliminates most deductions, credits and exclusions. The 30 percent bracket should begin at or near the Social Security wage base to ensure the combined income and payroll tax structure acts as a nearly flat tax on wage income beyond the standard deduction. The corporate income tax rate should be reduced to 18 percent. The corporate income tax is the most damaging tax in the U.S. tax system, and its primary economic burden falls on workers because capital is more mobile than labor.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 696, Accessed 2/15/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Reform Individual Income Tax Into A Two-Rate System

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Reform Individual Income Tax Into A Two-Rate System Which Included A 15 And 30 Percent Tax Bracket. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Intermediate Tax Reform. The Treasury should work with Congress to sim- plify the tax code by enacting a simple two-rate individual tax system of 15 percent and 30 percent that eliminates most deductions, credits and exclusions. The 30 percent bracket should begin at or near the Social Security wage base to ensure the combined income and payroll tax structure acts as a nearly flat tax on wage income beyond the standard deduction.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 696, Accessed 2/13/24]


Project 2025 Proposing Phasing Out Title I Funding For Low-Income School Districts And Turning It Into A Block Grant For States

Project 2025 Proposed To Phase Out Title I Education Funding Over A 10-Year Period Placing Responsibility To The States. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Transfer Title I, Part A, which provides federal funding for lower income school districts, to the Department of Health and Human Services, specifically the Administration for Children and Families. It should be administered as a no-strings-attached formula block grant. Restore revenue responsibility for Title I funding to the states over a 10-year period.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Pages 325-326, Accessed 2/15/24]

Title I Directed Funds To Local School Districts For Low-Income Students

Title I Directed Funds To Local School Districts For Low-Income Students. According to the Brookings Institute, “Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) directs funds to local school districts as a function of the number or percentage of economically disadvantaged children living in the district.” [Brookings Institute, 2/1/23]

Privatizing/Eliminating Government Services

Project 2025 Called To Fire 50,000 Federal Employees

Project 2025 Called To Fire 50,000 Federal Employees. According to PBS News, “With a nearly 1,000-page ‘Project 2025’ handbook and an ‘army’ of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers.” [PBS News, 8/29/23]

Project 2025 Sought To End And Privatize Federal Agencies

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Department Of Education

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Department Of Education. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Depart- ment of Education should be eliminated.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 133, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To “Dismantle” The Department Of Homeland Security

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To “Dismantle” The Department Of Homeland Security. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Our primary recommendation is that the President pursue legislation to dis- mantle the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). After 20 years, it has not gelled into ‘One DHS.’ Instead, its various components’ different missions have outweighed its decades-long attempt to function as one department, rendering the whole disjointed rather than cohesive. Breaking up the department along its mission lines would facilitate mission focus and provide opportunities to reduce overhead and achieve more limited government.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 319, Accessed 2/13/24]

The Department Of Homeland Security’s Remaining Duties Would Be Distributed Among Other Federal Agencies. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Former acting deputy secretary of homeland security Ken Cuccinelli says in Chap- ter 5 that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a creation of the George W. Bush era, should be closed, as it has added needless additional bureaucracy and expense without corresponding benefit. He recommends that it be replaced with a new “stand-alone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level” and that the remaining parts of DHS be distributed among other departments.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 89, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The U.S. Trade And Development Agency

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The U.S. Trade And Development Agency. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “U.S. Trade and Development Agency. Congress should eliminate the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 710, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Office Of Intelligence And Analysis

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Office Of Intelligence And Analysis. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “The Office of Intelligence and Analysis should be eliminated both because it has not added value and because it has been weaponized for domestic political purposes.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 161, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Food And Nutrition Service

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Food And Nutrition Service. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “One of the biggest changes would be a USDA that is not focused on welfare, given that means-tested welfare programs would Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise be moved to HHS. The Food and Nutrition Service that administers the food and nutrition programs would be eliminated.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 310, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Office Of Emergency Management

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Eliminate The Office Of Emergency Management. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Eliminate the Office of Emergency Management and reassign its functions.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 433, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To “Dismantle” The National Oceanographic And Atmospheric Administration

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To “Dismantle” The National Oceanographic And Atmospheric Administration. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 664, Accessed 2/13/24]

Project 2025 Sought To Cut Key Divisions Within The Department Of Energy

Project 2025 Sought To Cut Key Divisions Within The Department Of Energy, Including The Office Of Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy. According to Politico, “More than 400 people participated in crafting Project 2025’s details. Former Trump administration officials played a key role in writing the chapters on dismantling EPA and DOE. The plan to gut the Department of Energy was written by Bernard McNamee, a former DOE official whom Trump appointed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. […] McNamee outlines cutting key divisions at DOE, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and the Loan Programs Office. He has called climate change a ‘progressive policy.’ He also calls for cutting funding to DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, in part to stop ‘focusing on grid expansion for the benefit of renewable resources or supporting low/carbon generation.’” [Politico, 7/28/23]

Project 2025 Sought To Cut Key Divisions Within The Department Of Energy, Including The Office Of Clean Energy Demonstration. According to Politico, “More than 400 people participated in crafting Project 2025’s details. Former Trump administration officials played a key role in writing the chapters on dismantling EPA and DOE. The plan to gut the Department of Energy was written by Bernard McNamee, a former DOE official whom Trump appointed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. […] McNamee outlines cutting key divisions at DOE, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and the Loan Programs Office. He has called climate change a ‘progressive policy.’ He also calls for cutting funding to DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, in part to stop ‘focusing on grid expansion for the benefit of renewable resources or supporting low/carbon generation.’” [Politico, 7/28/23]

Project 2025 Sought To Cut Key Divisions Within The Department Of Energy, Including The Loan Program Office. According to Politico, “More than 400 people participated in crafting Project 2025’s details. Former Trump administration officials played a key role in writing the chapters on dismantling EPA and DOE. The plan to gut the Department of Energy was written by Bernard McNamee, a former DOE official whom Trump appointed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. […] McNamee outlines cutting key divisions at DOE, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and the Loan Programs Office. He has called climate change a ‘progressive policy.’ He also calls for cutting funding to DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, in part to stop ‘focusing on grid expansion for the benefit of renewable resources or supporting low/carbon generation.’” [Politico, 7/28/23]

Project 2025 Called To Privatize The Transportation Security Administration

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Privatize The Transportation Security Administration. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) be privatized.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 134, Accessed 2/13/24]

Foreign Policy And Defense

Project 2025 Called For The U.S. To Withdraw From The World Bank

Project 2025 Called For The U.S. To Withdraw From The World Bank. According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] The Treasury chapter advocates withdrawing from the World Bank and the IMF. Commerce would withdraw from the OECD. Any program related to the Paris climate accord and international climate bodies would be terminated. Efforts to enact a global minimum tax on multinationals would be torpedoed.” [The Nation, 2/8/24]

Project 2025 Called For The U.S. To Withdraw From The International Monetary Fund

Project 2025 Called For The U.S. To Withdraw From The International Monetary Fund. According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] The Treasury chapter advocates withdrawing from the World Bank and the IMF. Commerce would withdraw from the OECD. Any program related to the Paris Climate Accord and international climate bodies would be terminated. Efforts to enact a global minimum tax on multinationals would be torpedoed.” [The Nation, 2/8/24]

Infrastructure And The Environment

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Repeal The Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act And The Inflation Reduction Act

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Repeal The Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act And The Inflation Reduction Act. According to Project 2025’s Mandate For Leadership, “Support repeal of massive spending bills like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which established new programs and are providing hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to renewable energy developers, their investors, and special interests, and support the rescinding of all funds not already spent by these programs.” [Mandate For Leadership – Project 2025, Page 365, Accessed 2/13/24]

The Inflation Reduction Act Included A $370 Billion Investment For Alternative Energy Technologies

The Inflation Reduction Act Included A $370 Billion Investment For Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Green Hydrogen, And Electric Vehicle Technologies. According to the New York Times, “The blueprint said the next Republican president would help repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, the 2022 law that is offering $370 billion for wind, solar, nuclear, green hydrogen and electric vehicle technology, with most of the new investments taking place in Republican-led states.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025 Called For The U.S. To Withdraw From The Paris Climate Accords

Project 2025 Called For The U.S. To Withdraw From The Paris Climate Accords And Other International Climate Bodies. According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] The Treasury chapter advocates withdrawing from the World Bank and the IMF. Commerce would withdraw from the OECD. Any program related to the Paris Climate Accord and international climate bodies would be terminated. Efforts to enact a global minimum tax on multinationals would be torpedoed.” [The Nation, 2/8/24]

Project 2025 Called To Curb EPA Regulatory Powers And Terminate Research Laboratories

Project 2025 Called To Curb EPA Regulatory Powers And Terminate Research Laboratories. According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] A second fixation is ‘climate fanaticism’ which would require a ‘whole of government unwinding.’ Scientific bodies would be purged and research terminated in national laboratories. EPA regulatory powers would be curbed.” [The Nation, 2/8/24]

Project 2025 Instructed The U.S. Agency For International Development To “Cease Its War On Fossil Fuels In The Developing War.” According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] USAID, for example, would be directed to ‘cease its war on fossil fuels in the developing world.’ The next administration would ‘rescind all climate policies from its foreign aid programs, shut down ‘offices, programs and directives designed to advance the Paris Climate Agreement,’ and ‘cease collaborating’ with progressive foundations, corporations or NGOs that ‘advocate on behalf of climate fanaticism.’” [The Nation, 2/8/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Called To Ensure Trump’s Administration Would “Rescind All Climate Policies From Its Foreign Aid Programs.” According to the Nation, “While the Mandate’s chapters lay out, often in turgid bureaucratese, an agenda for major departments and agencies, the priorities are drawn straight from Trump’s venom. […] USAID, for example, would be directed to ‘cease its war on fossil fuels in the developing world.’ The next administration would ‘rescind all climate policies from its foreign aid programs, shut down ‘offices, programs and directives designed to advance the Paris Climate Agreement,’ and ‘cease collaborating’ with progressive foundations, corporations or NGOs that ‘advocate on behalf of climate fanaticism.’” [The Nation, 2/8/24]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Reverse Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Reverse A 2009 EPA Finding Which Said Carbon Dioxide Emissions Were A Danger To Public Health

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Reverse A 2009 EPA Finding Which Said Carbon Dioxide Emissions Were A Danger To Public Health. According to the New York Times, “Notably, it also would restart a quest for something climate denialists have long considered their holy grail: reversal of a 2009 scientific finding at the Environmental Protection Agency that says carbon dioxide emissions are a danger to public health. Erasing that finding, conservatives have long believed, would essentially strip the federal government of the right to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from most sources.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

The Reversal Would Strip The Government’s Right To Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions. According to the New York Times, “Notably, it also would restart a quest for something climate denialists have long considered their holy grail: reversal of a 2009 scientific finding at the Environmental Protection Agency that says carbon dioxide emissions are a danger to public health. Erasing that finding, conservatives have long believed, would essentially strip the federal government of the right to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from most sources.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Remove Regulations Guided To Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Cars, Oil, And Gas Wells

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Remove Regulations Guided To Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Cars, Oil, And Gas Wells. According to the New York Times, “The move is part of a sweeping strategy dubbed Project 2025 that Paul Dans of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank organizing the effort, has called a ‘battle plan’ for the first 180 days of a future Republican presidency. The climate and energy provisions would be among the most severe swings away from current federal policies. The plan calls for shredding regulations to curb greenhouse gas pollution from cars, oil and gas wells and power plants, dismantling almost every clean energy program in the federal government and boosting the production of fossil fuels — the burning of which is the chief cause of planetary warming.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Make It More Difficult For Solar, Wind, And Other Renewable Powers From Being Added To The U.S. Energy Grid

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Make It More Difficult For Solar, Wind, And Other Renewable Powers From Being Added To The U.S. Energy Grid. According to the New York Times, “The plan calls for shuttering a Department of Energy office that has $400 billion in loan authority to help emerging green technologies. It would make it more difficult for solar, wind and other renewable power — the fastest-growing energy source in the United States — to be added to the grid. Climate change would no longer be considered an issue worthy of discussion on the National Security Council, and allied nations would be encouraged to buy and use more fossil fuels rather than renewable energy.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Encourage Allied Nations To Purchase And Use More Fossil Fuels Rather Than Renewable Energies. According to the New York Times, “The plan calls for shuttering a Department of Energy office that has $400 billion in loan authority to help emerging green technologies. It would make it more difficult for solar, wind and other renewable power — the fastest-growing energy source in the United States — to be added to the grid. Climate change would no longer be considered an issue worthy of discussion on the National Security Council, and allied nations would be encouraged to buy and use more fossil fuels rather than renewable energy.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Remove Climate Change From The National Security Council’s Duties

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Remove Climate Change From The National Security Council’s Duties. According to the New York Times, “The plan calls for shuttering a Department of Energy office that has $400 billion in loan authority to help emerging green technologies. It would make it more difficult for solar, wind and other renewable power — the fastest growing energy source in the United States — to be added to the grid. Climate change would no longer be considered an issue worthy of discussion on the National Security Council, and allied nations would be encouraged to buy and use more fossil fuels rather than renewable energy.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Move To Stop Making Automobiles More Fuel-Efficient

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Move To Stop Making Automobiles More Fuel Efficient. According to the New York Times, “The plan calls on the government to stop trying to make automobiles more fuel efficient and to block states from adopting California’s stringent automobile pollution standards.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

Project 2025’s Mandate Would Block States From Adopting California’s Automobile Pollution Standards. According to the New York Times, “The plan calls on the government to stop trying to make automobiles more fuel efficient and to block states from adopting California’s stringent automobile pollution standards.” [New York Times, 8/4/23]

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