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Wednesday, Mar 15 2023

“Unapproachable” “Loner” With “No Friends” Considers GOP Presidential Primary

Mar 15, 2023

Today, two new reports from the Washington Post and NBC News highlight how Ron DeSantis has a reputation for being a “bit of a loner” with “no friends” whose “unapproachable” attitude makes it hard for him to connect with voters in the early Republican presidential primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. 

Via NBC News: 

  • In a bombshell report, DeSantis’ former House Republican colleagues described him as a “backbencher” who “had no friends.” 

  • Others claimed he was “standoffish and aloof” which made him “not a very effective member of Congress.”

  • Some went so far as to say that DeSantis “wasn’t a friendly guy” and not someone you wanted to go out with for “a cup of coffee or a glass of wine or a beer.”

DeSantis’ “unapproachable” attitude will hurt him on the campaign trail, where the presidential hopeful can’t handle the retail politics necessary to beat former president Donald Trump.

Via the Washington Post: 

  • DeSantis’ book tour has “consisted of more scripted and stage-managed events,” with his team sheltering him from voters and reporter questions.

  • The Florida governor has struggled to adopt a midwest nice mindset, opting to limit the amount of “intimate politics” which are necessary to win a presidential primary.

  • Even behind closed doors, DeSantis “has largely stuck to the same script” and “does not relish the grip-and-grin part of politics.”

  • Several people who have worked with him say he has struggled to make small talk with donors and activists.”

Unfortunately for DeSantis, high-heeled cowboy boots and a stepping stool can only take you to such heights.

Published: Mar 15, 2023

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