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News Monday, Jan 9 2012

VIDEO: American Bridge Awards Rob Cornilles The BS Championship

Jan 09, 2012

With the college football BCS championship tonight only hours away, American Bridge 21st Century has decided to award our own “BS Championship” to Rob Cornilles, a candidate for Congress in Oregon’s 1st District. We have assembled a video highlighting his questionable business practices and tendency to inflate his record for political gain.

“Rob Cornilles should know by now that he cannot blatantly lie to constituents and get away with it. He has a lot of explaining to do, and his BS Championship award will give him plenty of opportunities to talk about his business record on the campaign trail,” said Matt Thornton, spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century.



CG: Rob Cornilles: MVP of Poorly Businesses Presents the Inaugural BS ChampionshipCH: Cornilles BS Championship

CG: Cornilles Kicks Off: Tries to Explain His Company Gameface, Inc.

Video: Cornilles KATU Interview

Said He Launched 500 Careers Through Services of Game Face. Cornilles: “And I’ve Launched 500 Career Through the Services That Our Company has Been Involved In.” [KATU Interview at Cornilles campaign office,  12/13/11]Cornilles Says Said He “Misspoke” on Claim That He Created Jobs.  According to KATU: “KATU Journalist: “You wouldn’t call that creating those jobs though.”  Cornilles: I misspoke one time in the busyness of a campaign and a speech.  I misspoke one time.””  [KATU Interview at Cornilles campaign office,  12/13/11]
CG: I misspoke One TimeCG: Flag: Extreme Dishonesty

Video: Cornilles Talking

Cornilles Said He Had “Been Able to Create More Than 500 Jobs.”  According to Cornilles:  “I’ve been fortunate that in my career over the last 10 years alone, I’ve been able to create more than 500 jobs.” [9/12 Project Debate, 3/18/2010]
Video: Cornilles Talking About Creating 500 Jobs, Some InternationallyCG: Created More Than 500 Jobs?? Cornilles: “We’ve Created More Than 500 Jobs for People All Around the Country and Even Internationally.”  [U-Choose Candidate Forum, 4/22/10]
Video: Cornilles Talking About 500 Jobs, Some OverseasCG: Created Jobs for More Than 500 People???

CG: Flag: Shipping Jobs Overseas

Cornilles: “Created Jobs for More than 500 People Around the Country, In Fact, Even Overseas.”  [Americans for Prosperity Warrenton, 1/19/10]
Video: Cornilles Talking About Clean ConscienceCG: Clean Conscience About my Finances Cornilles Said He Had  Clean Conscience About His Finances and Business Practices. Cornilles spoke at a town hall in Warrenton in August of 2010 where he said he had a “clean conscience” about his business practices: “Some people may say ‘that’s kind of silly, shouldn’t you go talk to your accountant first to make sure everything’s ok?’ No, I have a clean conscience about my finances and my business practices.” [OR01RawFootage Youtube, 8/24/10]Game Face Had $83,284 Lien Placed Against It After Failing to Pay Payroll Taxes for Nine Months.  According to The Oregonian:  “The company’s other brush with authorities came in 2007 when the Internal Revenue Service filed a tax lien of $83,284 against Game Face after it failed to pay payroll taxes for nine months.  Cornilles says a bookkeeper failed to pay the taxes and hid warning notices. Cornilles says the company paid off the debt in three months once he learned of the lien, and he says he doesn’t know why the now-departed bookkeeper failed to make the payments.”  [The Oregonian, 12/12/11]
CG: Flag: Tax Lien On His Business (Game Face, Inc.)CG: KATU: Cornilles Business Briefly Had Federal Tax Lien. [November 2, 2011]

CG: Wilamette Week: IRS Filed an $83,000 Federal Tax Lien Against His Company for Failing to Make 2006 Tax Withholdings [October 19, 2011]

CG: The Oregonian: The IRS Filed a Tax Lein of $83,284 Against Game Face After It Failed to Pay Taxes for Nine Months [December 12, 2011]

Game Face Had $83,284 Lien Placed Against It After Failing to Pay Payroll Taxes for Nine Months.  According to The Oregonian:  “The company’s other brush with authorities came in 2007 when the Internal Revenue Service filed a tax lien of $83,284 against Game Face after it failed to pay payroll taxes for nine months.  Cornilles says a bookkeeper failed to pay the taxes and hid warning notices. Cornilles says the company paid off the debt in three months once he learned of the lien, and he says he doesn’t know why the now-departed bookkeeper failed to make the payments.”  [The Oregonian, 12/12/11]KATU: Cornilles Business Briefly Had Federal Tax Lien.“Republican congressional candidate Rob Cornilles has been telling voters he should be elected based on his business acumen and his experience balancing a budget, but four years ago the IRS briefly put an $83,000 tax lien on his business.”  [KATU, 10/19/11]

Wilamette Week: “…The Internal Revenue Service Filed an $83,000 Federal Tax Lien Against His Company for Failing to Make 2006 Tax Witholdings.”  According to Wilamette Week:  “Although Cornilles boasts, “For 162 months we’ve met a payroll,” records show that in May 2007, the Internal Revenue Service filed an $83,000 federal tax lien against his company for failing to make 2006 tax withholdings.”  [Wilamette Week, 10/19/11]

Published: Jan 9, 2012

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