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Friday, Jan 12 2018

VIDEO: Martha McSally's Announcement Day Flip-Flop on Trump's Border Wall

Jan 12, 2018

With two Trump-backing candidates already in the race for Arizona Senate, Rep. Martha McSally spent her announcement day abandoning her previously held positions faster than Arizonans can say “career politician.”

In her announcement speech, McSally blatantly flip-flopped on her opposition to Donald Trump’s border wall.

“Arizonans saw everything they need to from Martha McSally today — a typical politician willing to say and do anything she thinks people want to hear. They’re quickly learning they can’t trust a word she says,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Watch Martha McSally change her position on Donald Trump’s signature campaign promise.

Read it to believe it…

McSally Town Hall, 2/23/17:
Q: “Do you support a border wall? Yes or no.”
McSally: Not a contiguous 2,000 mile border wall, no.”

McSally Announcement Speech, 1/12/18:
“On illegal immigration, strategy of control over our border by more agents, sensors, aerial assets, man and unmanned and every other effective means, including a border wall.”

Published: Jan 12, 2018

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