American Bridge is introducing a new digital ad targeting New Hampshire. After Ted Cruz’s Iowa win earlier this week, the ad shows in their own words why Cruz is the first choice of right-wing Iowans — and why the establishment should be worried about him in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and beyond.
Cruz has based his brand on radical policies and red meat messaging. But it’s not just his extreme conservatism that propelled him to victory in the Hawkeye state. Cruz is also fueled by the anti-establishment movement that coalesced around him in 2013 when he read Green Eggs and Ham to shutdown the government. Marco Rubio and Chris Christie have proven that the entire GOP believes in extreme anti-immigrant, anti-woman, and anti-Muslim policies, but Donald Trump and Cruz take it to a whole new level.
With less than a week to the New Hampshire primary, Cruz is continuing to push his extreme and reckless policies that gave him a win over the establishment in Iowa.
Published: Feb 3, 2016