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News Thursday, Sep 10 2015

Walker's Job Creation Agency Didn't Double Check Job Creation

Sep 10, 2015

What happens when Scott Walker’s signature job creation agency doesn’t actually check whether jobs were created?

Walker loses even more credibility after failing to meet his job promise when Wisconsin only created 129,000 of the 250,000 jobs he promised.

Four years after Walker created WEDC in 2011, state auditors said yesterday that WEDC officials hadn’t started independently verifying “whether businesses created the jobs they said they would” until this year, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Even then, WEDC officials “did not look at wages paid or hour worked.”

This comes on the heels of yet another company, HyPro, laying off 62 workers after receiving $262,000 in state incentives. It created a whopping two jobs since 2013 with all that state backing.

Criminal scrutiny, outsourcing jobs, and layoffs for Wisconsin workers: Walker’s WEDC in a nutshell.

From WKOW:


Published: Sep 10, 2015

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