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AB Leadership Thursday, Jul 21 2011

WSJ: Bachmann: Everybody Should Pay Taxes

Jul 21, 2011

On July 21, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

“Republican presidential candidates have been resolutely opposed to tax increases in the debate over the nation’s budget straits, but Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann this week suggested there’s one group that needs to be paying more: poor people who pay nothing now.

At a town-hall meeting Tuesday given by the South Carolina Christian Chamber of Commerce in Columbia, a questioner noted that major U.S. corporations are paying “very few dollars of federal income taxes, if any.” He prefaced his point by saying the Bible advises us to render unto Caesar what Caesar is due.

Ms. Bachmann turned the conversation elsewhere: “Part of the problem is today, only 53% pay any federal income tax at all; 47% pay nothing,” the former federal tax attorney said. “We need to broaden the base so that everybody pays something, even if it’s a dollar.”


“This is a pretty audacious claim, and it shouldn’t surprise us that the Republican candidate would offer up huge tax hikes on hard working families while protecting big oil and large corporations,” said Ty Matsdorf, a spokesman for the liberal independent political group American Bridge, whose tracker caught the comments on tape.

Click here to read the whole story.

Published: Jul 21, 2011

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