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AB Leadership Monday, Aug 15 2011

Washington Post: When Republicans question Obama’s identity, it’s all part of the game

Aug 15, 2011

On August 15, 2011, the Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent wrote:

NBC’s Carrie Dann reports that Rick Perry has now taken to claiming that the United States should have a President who is “in love with America.” This will not be deemed outrageous or even noteworthy.

That comes after Perry’s announcement speech over the weekend in which he repeated this falsehood:

“We don’t need a president who apologizes for America. We need a president who protects and projects those values.”

To my knowledge, the Post’s Glenn Kessler is the only reporter whopointed out that the claim that Obama apologized for America is, well, a falsehood.

As I’ve written before, I don’t really care too much about these kinds of attacks unless they stray into outright falsehoods. Politics is a tough business; people attack each other. But it really remains remarkable that the same media figures who spent days and says chattering about anonymous Dem aides calling Mitt Romney “weird” treat this kind of wink-wink-nudge-nudge questioning of Obama’s cultural identity, alien values, and commitment to America as just part of the game.


UPDATE II: Here’s tracking video of the full Perry quote, sent over by the liberal group American Bridge:

Published: Aug 15, 2011

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